Account Info E-mail

Account E-mail is not necessary for your online store. Your customers can successfully shop only with the two Customer’s E-mail types (Order Confirmation and Purchase Confirmation e-mails). But in case you want to provide your customers with their own profile, a list of previous orders and features like saving of favourite products, you should also define the Account E-mails together with the particular pages and the right forms (widgets) which allow you to create the user’s (customer’s) profile.

Account Info E-mail is the only e-mail type which is not sent automatically after an action. It is sent manually from the Website Users application (located in the Website Editor) or from the Sales module from the Contacts application. There is a list of users registered on your website and you can manage them from here thanks to the buttons located in the toolbar.

There is a Send Account Info button that sends the last e-mail type to the selected user. This button can be very useful in case you have added a new user manually in this application (it means that the user did not register by himself/herself on website through the Registration form). This e-mail should contain basic info (website info, user’s login and a special link that allows to user to set up a password). The link for setting a password is optional, you can just set their password manually (Change Password button in the toolbar).

If you want to send a reset password link for the first password setting directly in this e-mail, you have to fulfil the same conditions as with the Reset Password E-mail type (Forgotten Password form, Reset Password Special Page and Reset Password form).

  1. Code an e-mail template for the Account Info E-mail in a particular website editor in the Templates application. Remember that you are defining only a template, not its sending. Unlike the Customers’ E-mails, here you can define only one Account Info E-mail type per one website.

    1. Use the Account E-mail Parameters to display personalized data (such as user’s login).

    2. If you want to insert a link into this e-mail for setting up a password, insert this piece of code into the E-mail template. Remember that you need a Reset Password Page Special Page which should contain the Reset Password form to make this feature work:

      <a href="{{ website.specialPages.secureResetPassword.url }}?change_hash={{ user.changePwdHash }}">{{ website.specialPages.secureResetPassword.url }}</a>
  2. Define the usage of the template:

    1. Navigate to the Website Editor on which you want to define this Account Info E-mail Template. Go to the Tools and Settings and run the Security application. Here in the E-mails section are the Account E-mails added.

    2. Click the Add button and in the E-mail Type field select the Account Info. In Template select a Name of the particular E-mail Template you created in the application before.

      1. The From Label field defines a name that will be displayed to the customer in the e-mail. Notice that this field can be translated in case you have a multilingual online store.

      2. The From field should contain an e-mail address from which this email will be sent. For example an e-mail you use for storing customer support.

      3. The Subject field is a subject of this e-mail that is displayed to the customer (together with From Label). For example “The Best E-shop - Your Account Information”.

  3. When you are done, click the Add button and also the Save button in the upper left corner of the Security application. Don’t forget to approve your project!