Stocks Knowledge Base

How to Create a New Stock

Before you will start with that, you need to know a few information about how it really works:

  1. Start with creating documents and document sequences used for receiving and issuing products to and from Stock:

    • Go to the Administration> module and run the Document Sequences application. Create sequences (at least) for receipts and issues. In case you will use transfers, create if for transfers too. Without these sequences you will not be able to create the numbers for stock documents.

    • Go to the Website Editor and on the Tools and Settings tab run the Templates application. Here you have to create templates for receipts, issues and (optionally in case you want to use it) transfers. You can use the default ones or define your own.

  2. You need to create the Stock itself in the Administration in the Stock Services application (use Inhouse BizBox Stock Service in case you want to manage your own warehouse supplies in BizBox).

    • On the Documents tab you have to add the documents you have created in the Tools module in the previous step.

    • On the Accounting tab add the document sequences you have created in the previous step.

    • If want to use the Handling Methods and Packing Boxes, set them up too.

    • When you are done, save this Stock Service and approve the particular Project in which you have performed these changes.

  3. Now you have to create a particular Stock in the Products module.

  4. For every Product you want to connect with stock, you have to define the Delivery Service (in the Product’s detail/edition) as “BizBox Stock” – this means the Product will be taken from the Stock.

  5. You have to add the particular Stock (the one which exists in the Products module) you want to use to the E-Shop Settings (in the Administration module). On the first tab of particular E-shop Settings is a field named “Stock Service” and here you have to select your Stock.

  6. Now you can work with the Stock and receive some products!

Create new stock by clicking the New button in the Stock application. Fill in all required fields - the Name and Internal Name. Name of the Stock can be (and probably will be) displayed on the Stock documents.

Location defines concrete place in your stock (warehouse). For example you want to keep a record that particular product A can be found in the Passage B. If you want to split your Stock into particular places, use the Location setting (set it to YES) and you will be able to define particular locations (on the second tab) and within the receipt you can define the location to which will be the products received.

If you want to use only the stock (never mind where exactly the products are stored physically in it - they are just in and that’s all you need to know) without specified places, set this option to NO.

How to Receive Products

For the Inhouse Stock Management there exists several ways how can be your products manually received on a stock. This tutorial deals with all of them. Appart from that you can set up automatical export/import of your stock supplies from a software you use for its management.


For every products receive is generated a PDF document named Receipt (you can download and display it in the Receipts application.). You have to create its template in the Templates application. There are various parameters (including product names, received quantity, supplier and more info) which allows you to change the document according to your needs.

Receive of products for BizBox Provider Stock Service or ComGate Service is realized automatically through systems of these services and you are unable to change it manually in BizBox Admin.

To complete these tutorials, you need to fulfil these prerequisites:

  • The Inhouse Stock Management addon has to be permitted on your account and a Inhouse Stock has to be created in the Stock Services application (located in the Administration module). After that you have to approve you project and create particular Stock (or Stocks) in the Products module to which will be your products received.

  • A Document Sequence for Receipt has to be assigned to the Stock Service in the Administration module. Here exists the Accounting tab used to assign previously created Document Sequence. Document Sequences are created also in the Administration module, in the Document Sequences application (remember that you need to have the Receipt Document Type).

  • A Receipt template which is responsible of the visual appearance of a document which is automatically generated with the products receive. Templates are created on a Website in the Templates application. Don’t forget to assign this template to the Stock Service (Administration module) on the Documents tab.

Use the Receipts application

In the Products module exists the Receipts application. It is available only if you have the addon Inhouse Stock Management in your BizBox account. Through this application is the receive of products on the stock realized.

  1. Run the Products module and the Receipts application.

  2. Click the New button in the toolbar and select a particular Stock to which you want to receive products.

  3. In the Type field you can see Order Return and Stock Receipt. In case you only want to return back some products, use the Order Return (not necessarily, it depends on your accounting policy). For other cases use the Stock Receipt.

  4. Click the Continue button and a new tab with prepared receipt appears.

    • Number is a unique identification of this receipt. It will be automatically generated according to the connected Document Sequence when you will save the receipt.

    • Date defines when will be the products from this receipt received on the stock. This date can be displayed on the generated document (according to the template you have created in the Templates application).

    • Stock field informs you where will be the products received. You are unable to change it and if you need to, you have to delete this receipt and create a new one.

    • Type here you can change the type of this receipt. As you can see above, there are 2 types: the Order Return and the standard Stock Receipt.

    • State is used to define the current state of this receipt. You are unable to change it here because it defines the current state. To change it, use the buttons (Take, Receive, Reopen or Cancel) in the toolbar after you create it.

    • Supplier is an optional setting which defines a person (or company more likely) providing you with the products you want to receive. Its purpose is to determine the supplier for the receipt document (you are able to display it according to the template). Suppliers has to be previously created in the Suppliers application located in the Products module.

    • Supplier Address is an optional setting which allows you to define the address of a supplier selected above. It can be displayed on the generated receipt document.

    • Comment is an internal description of this receipt.

  5. On the second Items tab are defined particular products which will be received on the stock. Click the Add button.

    • Use the Product field to search for a concrete product. Type at least 3 characters of its name or code and select the desired one.

    • Purchase Price is an optional field and allows you to define the price for which you have purchased this product (it is a unit price of the added product). It can be used in the generated document (according to the template).

    • Quantity defines how many units of this products will be received on the stock.

  6. Click the Add (or Add and New) button and this product will be added to the Receipt you are creating. You can edit it and change inserted values.

  7. Add another products you want to add to the stock (steps 5 and 6). When you are done, save the Receipt (Save button is located in the toolbar).

  8. The state of a saved receipt can be changed with the Receipt buttons in the toolbar:

    • Take means that the receipt is processed on the stock. You are able to change the products on it.

    • Receive means that the products have been successfully received (products will be added to the stock) and you are unable to edit the receipt.

    • Reopen use in case you need to make some changes in a receipt that has been marked as received. All products from the receipt will be removed from the stock.

    • Cancel button removes all products from the stock and annul the receipt.

  9. To display the generated receipt use the Receipt button in the toolbar.

Use the Stock Button

The second option which allows you to receive products on a stock is the Stock button located in the Products application (and also on a detail of a particular product). This is the quicker and easier option. The change of receipt’s states is processed automatically. In case you want to display the receipt PDF document, you have to go to the Receipts application located in the Products module. This application allows you to create receipts and serves also as its storage.

The work with this button is the same both in the product detail and in the Product application itself (the marked product will be received). For every receive performed here is automatically created a record in the Receipts application where you can display and edit it.

  1. Go to the Products module and run the Products application.

  2. There is a Stock button in the toolbar. You can also go to the detail of a particular product. The work with it is absolutely the same. Click the button. In case you are using the button directly from the Products application (and not from a product detail), the product which is marked (highlighted) in the data view will be received on the stock.

  3. A new window appears. It displays the current stock supply for the selected product. In the lower part of this window is a field for the number of products you want to receive and also the selection of a target stock.

  4. Click the Receive button and the product will be added to the stock and a new record (containing the PDF document) in the Receipts application will be created.

Import Receipts

In the toolbar (in the Receipts application) is the Import button which allows you to upload a XLS or XLSX file with products and their quantity.

For more info see the related help-page.

How to Issue Products

There exists several ways how can be your products issued from a stock. This tutorial deals with all of them.


For every product issued from a stock is generated a PDF document named Issue (you can download and display it in the Issues application). You have to create it in the Templates application. There are various parameters (including product names, issued quantity, dates and more info) which allows you to change the document according to your needs.

To be able to issue products from a stock, you have to fulfil these prerequisites:

  • The Inhouse Stock Management addon has to be permitted on your account and a Inhouse Stock has to be created in the Stock Services application (located in the Administration module). After that you have to approve you project and create particular Stock (or Stocks) in the Products module from which will be your products issued.

  • A Document Sequence for Issue has to be assigned to the Stock Service in the Administration module. Here exists the Accounting tab used to assign previously created Document Sequence. Document Sequences are created also in the Administration module, in the Document Sequences application (remember that you need to have the Issue Document Type).

  • An Issue template which is responsible of the visual appearance of a document which is automatically generated with the products issue. Templates are created in Templates application. Don’t forget to assign this template to the Stock Service (Administration module) on the Documents tab.

Dispatched Products

For most cases are the products issued automatically along with the order dispatch. For products from an order are automatically created reservations until the order is dispatched (products are issued from the stock) or canceled (products are received back to the stock - added to the available quantity). Reserved products are on the stock physically but are unavailable for purchase.

This issue is processed automatically and the PDF document (Issue) is available in the Issues application located in the Products module.

Use the Issues Application

In the Products module exists the Issues application. It is available only if you have the addon Inhouse Stock Management in your BizBox Admin. Through this application is the issue of products from the stock realized.

To complete this tutorial you have to fulfil all the prerequisites listed in the introduction.

  1. Run the Product application and the Issues application.

  2. Click the New button in the toolbar and select particular Stock from which you want to issue products.

  3. In the Type field specify the reason why is this issue created:

    • Damage is used if the products on the stock are destroyed, damaged, expired or something like that.

    • Dispatch is used in case you want to take the products away from the stock for various reasons (you just want to dispatch them and send them away).

    • Missing is used in case the products are lost (they have been received on the stock but currently they are not present here).

    • Order is used in case the products are a part of an order (they were sold).

    • Other is used for situations that are not covered above.

  4. Click the Continue button and a new tab with prepared issue appears.

    • Number is a unique identification of this issue. It will be automatically generated according to the connected Document Sequence when you save the Issue.

    • Date defines when will be the products from this Issue issued from the stock. This date can be displayed on the generated document (according to the template you have created in the Templates application).

    • Stock field informs you from where will be the products issued. You are unable to change it and if you need to do so, you have to delete the whole issue and create a new one from the beginning.

    • Type is preselected from the previous step, but you are able to change it according to your needs. This type can be displayed on the generated issue document (in case you have defined it in the template).

    • State field defines the state of the Issue. You are unable to change it now, it is only informative. It is changed automatically as you work with the Issue after you will save it (see the Issue buttons in the toolbar).

    • Contact allows you to assign a contact according to the type of this Issue. For example if the type is Order, you can assign a customer (contact).

    • Comment is prepared to provide some detailed information about this Issue. It can be displayed on the generated document (according to the template you have coded).

  5. On the second Items tab should be added particular products you want to issue from the stock selected on the first tab. Click the Add button and a new window appears.

    • Product is used to select a particular product from your catalog you want to issue. Insert at least 3 characters from its name or code.

    • Quantity defines how many units of this product will be issued.

  6. Add all products you need to issue from the stock.

  7. Click the Save button and the unique number of the Issue will be generated. You are also able to work with the Issue buttons located in the toolbar:

    • Take means that you started to work with the issue. You are still able to change the products on it.

    • Issue is used to issue all products from this issue from the stock. You are unable to edit it.

    • Dispatch means that you have successfully send the products from the stock. You are unable to edit it.

    • Reopen is used in case you want to edit issue that has been marked as issued or dispatched.

  8. To display the generated issue PDF use the Issue Slip button in the toolbar.

Use the Stock Button

The second option which allows you to issue products from a stock is the Stock button located in the Products application (and also on a detail of a particular product). This is the quicker and easier option. The change of issue’s states is processed automatically. In case you want to display the issue PDF document, you have to go to the Issues application located in the Products module. This application allows you to create issues and serves also as its storage.

The work with this button is the same both in the product detail and in the Product application itself (the marked product will be received). For every issue performed here is automatically created a record in the Issues application where you can display and edit it.

  1. Go to the Products module and run the Products application.

  2. There is a Stock button in the toolbar. You can also go to the detail of a particular product. The work with it is absolutely the same. Click the button on the little arrow and select the Issue option. In case you are using the button directly from the Products application (and not from a product detail), the product which is marked (highlighted) in the data view will be issued from the stock.

  3. A new window appears. It displays the current stock supply for the selected product. In the lower part of this window is a field for the number of products you want to issue and also the selection of a target stock.

  4. Click the Issue button and the product will be issued from the stock and a new record (containing the PDF document) in the Issues application will be created.

Import Issues

In the toolbar (in the Issues application) is the Import button which allows you to upload a XLS or XLSX file with products and their quantity.

Following columns are available:

  • Product - the code of the product you want to issue (column name has to be code)

  • Quantity - the quantity (number) of products you want to issue (column name has to be quantity)