Stock Services Templates

Templates connected to Stock Services are used to define the visual appearance of stock documents - Receipts, Issues, Transfers and Picking Lists. These documents are generated as a PDF files and are available in the particular applications in the Products module. Picking lists are generated for particular orders.

To set up the generating of these templates, you have to go to a particular Stock Service and add a template on the Documents tab. Only the Packing List is bounded to an order and therefore you have to add it in the E-shop Settings also on the Documents tab.

Particular templates must have defined its Document Sequences which defines its unique number. Without is is Bizbox unable to generate it.

You are able to work with these applications only if you are using the Inhouse Stock Management addon.

Stock Service - Receipt

A Receipt is automatically generated when a product (or products) is received on a stock. You are able to display and download it in the Receipts application located in the Products module. Remember that this application is available only if you are using the Inhouse Stock Management addon.

There are two conditions you must fulfil in order to use this document template successfully:

  1. A stock (Inhouse Stock Management)

  2. Document Sequence for a Receipt assigned on a particular stock service

The Receipt template can work properly only in case you have both prerequisites accomplished.

In the Templates application (a particular website editor, Tools and Settings tab) you define only a template. You are not able to determine the generating of it here. The generating is defined in the stock services application later (after the template is done and completed).

  1. Code the document template for the Stock Service - Receipt in a particular website editor in the Templates application.

    1. Use the Stock Service Parameters help-site to display personalized data (such as user’s login, info about your website and the main part - a link for password reset). Primary focus on the Customer’s Template section.

    2. This piece of code will automatically generate a link for password reset which leads to the Secure Reset Password Page Special Page which should contain the Reset Password Widget:

      <a href="{{ website.specialPages.secureResetPassword.url }}?change_hash={{ user.changePwdHash }}">{{ website.specialPages.secureResetPassword.url }}</a>
  2. Define the sending of the template:

    1. Navigate to the CMS module, run the Website Editor for the website on which you want to define this Reset Password E-mail (select the Website and click Edit button in the toolbar). Go to the “Tools and Settings” and run the Security application. Here in the E-mails section are the Account E-mails added.

    2. Click the Add button and in the E-mail Type field select the Reset Password. In Template select the name of the particular t-mail template you created in the Templates application before.

      • The From Label field defines a name that will be displayed to the customer in the e-mail. Notice that this field can be translated in case you have a multilingual online store.

      • The From field should contain an e-mail address from which this email will be sent. For example an e-mail you use for storing customer support.

      • The Subject field is a subject of this e-mail that is displayed to the customer (together with From Label). For example Our E-Shop - Password Reset.

  3. When you are done, click the Add button and also the Save button in the upper left corner of the Security application. Approve your project and after that your e-mail will be automatically sent to users when they request a password reset.

Stock Service - Issue

Stock Service - Transfer

Stock Service - Picking List

See also

Stock Services