
Vouchers are created in Vouchers application located in the Pricing module. Here you set up how Vouchers will be used (such as the discount, activity, minimum order price) and also the particular codes that have to be distributed to customers. Customers insert them during the checkout process to receive the discount.

  • Vouchers can be applied on an order as a whole (with included payment, delivery, handling and packing prices), on an order without shipping fees (these fees are paid by the customer) or can be used as a voucher that guarantees only a free shipping. If you create a Rate Voucher (defined by a percentage that will be discounted), prices for payment and delivery methods will also be discounted.

  • In an order you should not allow your customers to insert a voucher before they select payment and delivery methods.

  • You can restrict vouchers only to particular products - you can select them manually or make a dynamic rule that the voucher will be valid only for products that are currently on stock, have a particular price and so on.

  • You can create the X for the price of Y voucher (the cheapest product on the order will be for free).

  • You can also specify the number of times for that one Voucher can be used, the dates for which the vouchers are valid and a minimal order amount that has to be reached by customer’s order before the voucher can be used.

  • You are able to mark distributed Vouchers.

  • Vouchers can be limited to Zones.

  • The number of Vouchers you can create is unlimited. You can create as many as you want!

  • Your customers will not be able to use more than one Voucher per order. Only one Voucher per one order is valid.

  • You can create vouchers for your affiliate partners.

To use (and let your customers to use) Vouchers correctly, you need to set up the properties listed below:

  1. Functional online store. At first you need to have established an online store. This prerequisite is vital. If you want to create one, you can use our tutorial that will help and provide you all the necessary information you need to know about online stores in BizBox.

  2. Add a field to checkout process (Checkout form) which customer use to insert the Voucher’s code + add information about used Voucher into checkout overview (Checkout Overview form). Checkout form should be always part of your online store. The Checkout form is responsible for collecting information about customers. In this tutorial you will edit this form and insert a new field into it. This field allows your customers to insert a voucher code.

  3. Create a Vouchers itself in the Vouchers application located in the Pricing module. How do I create a Voucher? Vouchers for preview are used to verify the successful implementation of this feature in the preview mode. If you have some trouble with creating vouchers for preview, follow this tutorial. After the successful implementation of vouchers on your online store, you have to create normal Vouchers, too. These have to be distributed to your customers (otherwise they will not be able to use them).

  4. Optionally: Add information about used Voucher into Order Confirmation E-mail, Purchase Confirmation E-mail, Invoice and Credit Note.


If you start using Vouchers on your online store, you should also change templates for customers’ e-mails (Purchase Confirmation E-mail and Order Confirmation E-mail), Invoices and Credit Notes. You need to change the used parameters that display the final price here. A Voucher is not defined as an item bought, it has its own parameters. For more information see help-site for Invoices, Credit Note and E-mails parameters.

We suppose you have fulfilled all these preconditions. If not, please follow related tutorials.

How to Create a Voucher

  1. Run the Pricing module located on the BizBox desktop.

  2. Click the Vouchers application and the New button located in the toolbar.

  3. Insert a Name, Internal Name and a Comment. All fields are used only for your own and BizBox Admin purposes and are never visible to your customers.

  4. Insert a Label which is used and displayed as a name of the Voucher in the checkout process (as a part of the order summary) and in Invoices, Credit Notes, Purchase and Order Confirmation E-mails. To display this name you have to use parameter cart.discounts.name which carries it. Also notice that this field can be translated. In case you have a multilingual online store you can insert translations of the label directly here.

  5. Voucher Code Pattern is used to insert special marks which generates Voucher numbers automatically.

  6. Select a type of Voucher you create in this application. For more info about particular types please visit Voucher and Discount Types page.

  7. Base Currency has to be selected if your Voucher’s Type (below) is Order Amount, or if you use Order Minimal Price limit feature. For Order Rate (without used Order Minimal Price feature), it is not required to set up currency at all.

  8. Discount Rate/Discount Amount field defines the discount itself. In case of a Order Rate Voucher Type, insert a percentage that will be applied as a discount rate to customers’ orders.

  9. Gross Price setting determines if the inserted value includes a tax (option YES). If not, the final value (with a tax included) will be calculated automatically.

  10. Order Minimal Amount can limit the usage of Voucher by setting minimum price a customer must reach in order to be able to use the Voucher. We recommend you to use this setting in case you use the Order Amount Voucher Type, because it subtracts its value from the whole order. If the order value fails to reach the defined minimal price, the customer won’t be able to apply the voucher.

  11. Maximal Discount can limit the maximal amount that can be applied. This feature is available only in case you use the Order Rate Voucher Type.

  12. Use of the Usage Count Limit feature can limit how many times one Voucher code can be used.

  13. Availability in Zones - select a Zone (or Zones) from which the customers will be able to apply these Vouchers.

  14. Active button set to YES will make this Voucher active immediately. You are able to specify the validity date thanks to fields “Valid From” and “Valid Until”. Remember - to make this date specification work you have to set the Active button to YES. If the button is set to NO, the Voucher activity is always disabled regardless of the date of specification.

  15. Click on the third tab “Vouchers”. Here click Add button and insert codes for Vouchers used for production mode (on live web). These codes have to be distributed to your customers. Remember that every line defines exactly one Voucher code.

  16. If you want to test the usage of vouchers (for example when you are implementing it on your online store), you should use Test Preview Vouchers. They are created like normal production Vouchers and they are under the same rules as you have defined on the first tab.

How to Edit Checkout for Vouchers

  1. Go to the Website Editor. In the code locate the place where you want to add a field for a voucher. Use the checkout form to create the field for voucher. Save it and then the field will be available in the preview mode.

  2. Now locate the page with checkout summary (the last page of the checkout process). Here you should display information about the used voucher. You can do it with parameters that are available.

  3. The parameter’s object’s name is “cart.discounts” and contains following info: cart.discounts.taxAmount (tax amount of applied discount), cart.discounts.taxExclusiveAmount (a discount sum without tax applied), cart.discounts.taxInclusiveAmount (a discount total sum with tax included), and cart.discounts.name (a name of the Voucher that your customer has used. This name is set in the Vouchers application in the “Label” field), cart.discounts.voucherCode (particular code that your customer inserted into the field of Checkout Widget). For example you can use this piece of code that will display a table with information about used Voucher:

    {% if cart.discounts %}
            {% for cartDiscount in cart.discounts %}
            {% set class = '' %}
                    {% if loop.last and not cart.discounts %}
                            {% set class = 'base-dotted-bottom-line' %}
                    {% endif %}
                    <tr class="base-dotted-bottom-line">
                            <td>{{ cartDiscount.name }} <br/>{{ cartDiscount.voucherCode }}</td>
                            <td>{{ cartDiscount.taxExclusiveAmount|local_money( cart.priceInfo.currencySymbol ) }}</td>
                            <td>{{ cartDiscount.taxAmount|local_money( cart.priceInfo.currencySymbol ) }}</td>
                            <td>{{ cartDiscount.taxInclusiveAmount|local_money( cart.priceInfo.currencySymbol ) }</td>
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  4. Run your website in preview mode and test this implementation. For this step you use Vouchers for Preview which you had previously created in the Vouchers application.

  5. If is everything OK, approve your Project and distribute your Vouchers to customers.

Automatic Issue of Vouchers

In BizBox you are also able to distribute Vouchers automatically with an order. It means, that if a customer places order in your online store, a Voucher is assigned to this order. It depends only on you how it will be displayed to the customer - you can add it into the Order or Purchase Confirmation E-mails, to Invoice or display it on the Success or Waiting Payments Special Pages that are displayed to customer after payment (or waiting payment in case of Bank Transfer payment method).

Distributed Vouchers (the codes itself) are not generated automatically - you have to create them in the Vouchers application located in the Pricing module first. This Vouchers are assigned to a particular E-shop Setting used for the online store in which you want to use this feature.

And the last step is the distribution itself - you have to add a special parameter “issuedVoucherCode” to the e-mail, invoices or Successful or Waiting Payment Widgets. It is really simple, just follow our tutorial.


Vouchers and the distribution itself are not automatic. You have to create particular Voucher codes and define their sending by a simple change in the code of templates or pages.

In case all the created Vouchers are gone (all were successfully distributed), a Notification Browser displays information about this situation (with orders without issued Vouchers included). And you can create new Voucher codes.

Vouchers can be also issued to your customers automatically after they place an order. Create an ordinary Voucher and assign them to a particular E-Shop Settings (according to the online store on that you want to issue the vouchers).

Can I send a voucher automatically with an order?

Yes you can. Create an ordinary set of Vouchers and add them to particular E-shop Settings (according to the online store in that you want to distribute them).

After that you need to provide the distribution itself by editing a particular template or page, because Vouchers can be distributed thanks to Order and Purchase Confirmation E-mails, Invoices and Successful and Waiting Payment Widgets. You have to use at least one of these possibilities.

How to display automatically issued Voucher to customers:

You need to fulfil some prerequisites in order to distribute Vouchers automatically after a customer places an order in your online store:

  1. You need to have a functional online store.

  2. You need Voucher codes - they are created in the Vouchers application located in the Pricing module. For more info about how to create Vouchers and Voucher codes please visit the related tutorials which show you how to create them step by step.

  3. Decide how the codes will be distributed to customers. There are several ways. You can use only one or all of them - it depends only on you:

    • Add the code to the Order or Purchase Confirmation E-mails.

    • Display it on the Invoice.

    • Add the code to Success or Waiting Payment pages that are displayed as Special Pages after an order is placed.

  4. Edit the sources you have selected.

  5. Assign the created Voucher codes to an E-shop Settings that will distribute them to customers. Go to the E-shop Settings that you want to use to distribute the automatic vouchers. On the last Advanced tab select the Vouchers (previously created in the Pricing module) that will be distributed.

Order and Purchase Confirmation E-mail edition

If you want to display an automatically issued Voucher in an Order or (and) Purchase Confirmation E-mail, you have to go to a Website settings and, run the Templates application and edit the particular e-mail template.

Locate the place where you want to display it. The parameter that carries the Voucher code is order.issuedVoucherCode. Put this one into double parentheses - such as {{order.issuedVoucherCode}} - and instead of this mark, a code will be displayed. For more info about how to edit and display parameters visit this help-site.


If you want to display the Voucher code on the Invoice, you have to run a Website settings and the Templates application. Here edit the Invoice record.

Now you have to locate the place where you want to put the code itself. On that place insert a parameter {{order.issuedVoucherCode}}. After Invoice render, a Voucher code will be displayed instead of this mark.