Website Forms (Widgets)¶
Widgets are used to define forms, which allow you to gather information from your website visitors (users and customers). A form is typically used to provide a interface for contact or to provide customers information during the checkout.
In BizBox are forms inserted into website code by widgets. Widgets take care of the successful work of the forms and also contains messages that can be displayed using special parameters.
All forms have a sending button named process and optionally a parameter onSuccess which will redirect visitors to defined website in case the form has been successfully processed. The final code can look like this:
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.cart', {'onSuccess': 'cart-information' } ) }}"> ... </form>
The cart-information is the internal name of a page to which will be customers redirected if the form has been successfully processed. You are able to define another parameters as is displayed in the code above. If the redirect page remains the same, you can remove “ugly” parameters (“?bbWidget=”) from the URL address like this:
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('user.saveProfile') }}
The function widgetFormParams generates hidden directly into the form and they are send together with the form by the POST which creates “nice and tidy” URL address.
Every form can generate messages. Messages are used to provide information from the system, widgets or components. This can typically be some error in case there is something wrong with a form a user tries to send, information about an order which has been successfully placed or about a products which has been inserted into the cart.
Using Widgets without Forms¶
Widgets can be used without forms.
<a href="{{ widget('user.logout') }}">Logout</a>
Delete an item from the shopping cart:
<a href="{{ widget('ecommerce.cart') }}&remove{{ }}">Delete item</a>
Work with Consents¶
You can add a consent to most widgets. A consent has to be previously created in the Consents application.
To work with a consent in a widget, use the datasource consents - getter getConsents([…,…]).
The consents collection contains getters to obtain the name attribute (getFormFieldName ()) and value (getFormFieldValue ()), which contains a set of consents to be processed. It must be part of the form, otherwise it is not considered that there is consent to processing.
- A consent:
formFieldName - an entry under which the name of the field associated with the given consent is located.
text - text of consent.
explanation - optional explanation.
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.placeOrder') }}">
{%- set newsletterConsents = consents.getConsents( ['newsletter'] ) -%}
{%- if newsletterConsents | length > 0 -%}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ newsletterConsents.getFormFieldName() }}" value="{{ newsletterConsents.getFormFieldValue() }}"/>
{%- for newsletterConsent in newsletterConsents -%}
<label for="{{ newsletterConsent.formFieldName }}-id">{{ newsletterConsent.text }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="{{ newsletterConsent.formFieldName }}" id="{{ newsletterConsent.formFieldName }}-id" />
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button name="process" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right">{{_('Send Order')}} <i class="fa fa-paper-plane"></i></button>
Parameters entering the process:
person - by login
User Portal¶
In the user portal (for logged in customers) all user’s consents can be diaplayed and eventually canceled. The datasource user.profile.consents contains all available data related to user’s consents.
For more information see the Revoke Consent form documentation.
{% if user.profile.consents | length %}
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('ecommerce.revokeConsent') %}
<div class="alert alert-{{ message.type }}" role="alert">
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
<table class="table table-striped cart-table">
<th>{{_('Granted Date')}}</th>
<th>{{_('Renew Date')}}</th>
<th>{{_('Revoked Date')}}</th>
{% for consent in user.profile.consents %}
<td>{% if consent.isGranted %}{{_('yes')}}{% else %}{{_('no')}}{% endif %}</td>
<td>{{consent.grantedDate | localDatetime }}</td>
<td>{{consent.renewedDate | localDatetime }}</td>
<td>{{consent.revokedDate | localDatetime }}</td>
{%- if consent.isRevocable -%}
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.revokeConsent') }}">
<input type="hidden" name="consent" value="{{ }}-id" />
<button name="process" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right">{{_('Revoke Consent')}}</button>
{%- else -%}
{{_('No action available')}}
{%- endif -%}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p class="text-center">{{_('There are no consents to display.')}}</p>
{% endif %}
General Forms¶
Contact Form¶
Form name:
A basic contact form which is used by the visitors to contact you.
If a website visitor uses this form to send you a message, this message will be send to your e-mail address defined in the form (element email) by its internal name. The replyTo will be in the body of this e-mail displayed as the Contact E-mail.
- There are 2 required form elements:
email - the internal name of the e-mail address to which will be the e-mail sent (remember that you have to define this address in your website settings in the Contact E-mails part). This e-mail will contain information about the sender (the replyTo value will be displayed as Contact E-mail in the e-mail body).
subject - a subject of the e-mail a visitors sends using the form.
To send the form (on the website), the replyTo element and at least one of the custom elements must be filled in.
Other form elements:
replyTo - it is the field for customer’s/visitor’s address provided in the form. This address can be subsequently used in your e-mail client - to this address will be send your reply. This address will be used in the e-mail header (From field).
cc - to an e-mail provided in this field (the e-mail is defined by its internal name) will be sent the carbon copy, you can provide a list of addresses separated by comma (remember that you have to define this address in your website settings in the Contact E-mails part).
bcc - to an e-mail provided in this field (the e-mail is defined by its internal name) will be sent the blind carbon copy, you can provide a list of addresses separated by comma (remember that you have to define this address in your website settings in the Contact E-mails part).
attachment - this field will allow your website visitors to upload an attachment with a maximum size of 2 mb. This attachment will be sent as part of the contact email. If you want to use this feature, remember that you have to add the enctype=”multipart/form-data to the form HTML element.
attachment[] - this field will allow your website visitors to upload multiple attachments at once. The number of attachments that can be sent in a form is limited to 5. The maximum size for a single file is 5 MB.
Optional parameter template can be used if you want to define your own contact e-mail template (the e-mail that will be sent to the e-mail address defined in the email field). Use the internal name of a particular template to identify it. If there is no such template found in your account, other contact e-mail template from your account will be used. If there is no contact e-mail template at all, a default system template will be used instead.
To display and use the form, you have to define it in your website code. Create a standard form with the parameter method=post.
Your form can be defined like this:
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data>
{{ widgetFormParams('', { template: '<templateInternalName>' } ) }}
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="support-team"/>
<label for="exampleInputEmail1">Your Name *</label>
<input name="contact-name" type="text" id="inputName" placeholder="Your Name"/>
<label for="exampleInputEmail1">E–mail *</label>
<input name="replyTo" type="email" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Your E–mail"/>
<label for="exampleInputEmail1">Subject</label>
<input name="subject" type="text" id="inputEmailSubject" placeholder="Subject"/>
<label for="exampleInputPassword1">Your Message</label>
<textarea name="text" id="exampleInputPassword1" rows="6" placeholder="Your Message"></textarea>
<input type="file" name="attachment"/>
<input name="process" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Send"/>
To display messages from this form, use this code:
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('') %}
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
Shopping Cart¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart
This widget is used to display a form wich allows customers to remove items or change their quantity. Buttons for reset, save, and continue are included. This form should be a part of the shopping cart, because it allows your customers to change quantity of products from the cart, empty it and process to another step which is usualy insertion of customer’s billing and shipping addresses.
The cart is usually the first checkout step. The next one is the checkout. Optionally you can insert the third - checkout overview - which displays the summary of the order before it is placed.
To display particular items in the cart, use appropriate parameters.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be customers redirected in case they will continue with placing the order (page that will be displayed after a customer clicks the “continue” button)
onSuccessUrl - An URL address to which will be customers redirected in case they will continue with placing the order (this URL address is not a part of this website, it is any URL address)
checkoutVariant - Defines a particular visual variant of a checkout, which is located on the URL address provided in the onSuccessUrl prameter. It can be used only with combinaton with the onSuccessUrl parameter and in case the inserted URL address leads to another BizBox website checkout.
Notice that the onSuccess and onSuccessUrl cannot be used together. If you will use both onSuccess and onSuccessUrl parameters, the onSuccess will be used in preference while onSuccessUrl will be ignored.
To display and use the form, you have to define it in your website code. Create a standard form with the parameter method=post:
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.cart', {'onSuccess': 'cart-information' }) }}"> ... </form>
Form Elements:
quantity<cart item ID> - textfield which defines the quantity of a product with particular ID (product code)
remove<cart item ID> - submit button used to remove particular product defined with its ID (product code)
removeAttachment<cart attachment ID> - submit button used to remove particular product’s attachment (defined with its ID)
clear - submit button used to clear the cart (all items will be removed)
update - submit button used to save all changes from quantity fields
process - submit button used to save all changes from quantity fields and redirect customers to the parameter defined in the onSuccess (or onSuccessUrl) parameter
Particular used to increase or decrease qunatity of a product can look like this. Remember that it has to be placed between the form marks:
<input type="button" value="-" />
<input id="cart-quantity-input" name="quantity{{ }}" type="number" value="{{ cartItem.quantity }}" min="1"/>
<input type="button" value="+" />
<a href="{{ widget('ecommerce.cart') }}&remove{{ }}"></a>
An examples of buttons used to update, empty and process the order:
<button name="clear" type="submit">Empty</button>
<button name="update" type="submit">Recalculate</button>
<button name="process" type="submit">Next</button>
To display messages from this form, use this code:
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('ecommerce.cart') %}
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
Set Gifts¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart.setGifts
This widget allows your customers to select (insert) gifts available for their order to the shopping cart. It can be used only in combinaton with the Gifts application where particular gifts a customer can add to the cart for free can be set.
If there is only one gift available, it will be added to the cart automatically. If there are defined more gifts from which can the customer select, you should use this widget and display gifts offering together with its quantity setting.
Use the gifts API within this widget. If a customer inserts 0 quantity for a gift, it will be removerd from the cart. Use the returning parameter gifts in the API to get info about gifts in the cart.
This widget has no special parameters.
Form Elements:
quantity{giftProduct.sysid} - value is a particular gift quantity; the giftProduct.sysid parameter contains information about the used gift setting and a particular product to which this gift belongs.
Code example:
{% if | length > 0 %}
<form name="setGifts" method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams( 'ecommerce.cart.setGifts' ) }}
<input type="submit" name="process" title="{{_('Select Gifts')}}" value="{{_('Select Gifts')}}" class="btn" />
{% for gift in %}
{% set sale = %}
<p>{{}} (max.{{gift.maxQuantity}})</p>
{% for gift in gift.products %}
{% set giftProduct = gift.product %}
{% set quantityFieldName = 'quantity' ~ gift.sysid %}
<div class="qty-wrapper v-center">
<label for="{{quantityFieldName}}">{{}}</label>
<input type="text" name="{{quantityFieldName}}" id="{{ quantityFieldName }}" maxlength="12" size="5" value="{{giftProduct.quantity}}" title="Quantity" class="input-text bb-product-quantity"/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Set Benefits¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart.setBenefits
This widget allows customers to select a benefit in the cart. Benefit is a discount, gift or loyalty program that is marked with the flag Customer Selects Discount. This widget can be used only in combinaton with the particular application (Discounts, Gifts, Loyalty Programs) where particular benefits a customer can select to the cart can be set. Discounts/GIfts/Loyalty Programs marked with the Customer Selects Discount flag are never applied automatically. They only apply if the customer selects them via this widget.
For each benefit group in the cart, this widget contains a form field in the form “group <group id>”. The group label for the widget is available in ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits under groupSysid and is the preferred resource for the group.
This widget has no special parameters.
Form Elements:
discount<discount-internal-name> - selection of a specific discount
gift<gift-internal-name> - selection of a specific gift
loyaltyPoints - selection of a specific loyalty program
remove – removes the selected benefit
The benefitSysid value available in a particular object should be used to select a discount, gift or loyalty points. If a form element for a group is missing in the widget, the selection for that group does not change.
Code example:
{% if not ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits.isEmpty %}
<h2>{{ _('Select Your Benefit') }}</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<h3>Věřnostní body</h3>
{% if ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.loyaltyPoints %}
{% if ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.loyaltyPoints %}
<form method="post">
{{ macros.getWidgetMessages( messages, 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits' ) }}
{{ widgetFormParams( 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits') }}
<input name="{{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.groupSysid }}" type="text" value="{{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.loyaltyPoints.benefitSysid }}" hidden />
<input type="submit" name="process" class="btn btn-secondary" value="{{ _( 'Loyalty Points' ) }} ({{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.loyaltyPoints.earnedPoints }})"/>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ _('Loyalty points are currently unavailable.') }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-4">
<h3>{{ _('Gifts') }}</h3>
{% if ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| %}
{% for benefit in ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| %}
<form method="post">
{{ macros.getWidgetMessages( messages, 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits' ) }}
{{ widgetFormParams( 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits') }}
<input name="{{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.groupSysid }}" type="text" value="{{ benefit.benefitSysid }}" hidden />
<input type="submit" name="process" class="btn btn-secondary" value="{{ _( 'Gift' ) }} {{ benefit.label }}"/>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ _('Gifts are currently unavailable.') }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-4">
<h3>{{ _('Discounts') }}</h3>
{% if ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.discounts %}
{% for benefit in ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.discounts %}
<form method="post">
{{ macros.getWidgetMessages( messages, 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits' ) }}
{{ widgetFormParams( 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits') }}
<input name="{{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.groupSysid }}" type="text" value="{{ benefit.benefitSysid }}" hidden />
<input type="submit" name="process" class="btn btn-secondary" value="{{ _( 'Sale' ) }} {{ benefit.label }}"/>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ _('Discounts points are currently unavailable.') }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.isSelected %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
{{ macros.getWebAlert( _( 'Selected benefit') ~ ' ' ~ (ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.selectedBenefit.loyaltyPoints ? _('loyalty points') : ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| ? ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| : ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| ? ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits| : ''), { type: 'info' } ) }}
<div class="col-md-6">
<form method="post" >
{{ macros.getWidgetMessages( messages, 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits' ) }}
{{ widgetFormParams( 'ecommerce.cart.setBenefits') }}
<input name="{{ ecommerce.cart.availableBenefits|first.groupSysid }}" type="text" value="remove" hidden />
<input type="submit" name="process" class="btn btn-secondary" value="{{ _( 'Remove benefit' ) }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Add Product to the Cart¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart.add
This widget allows you to create a form used to insert a product into customer’s shoping cart. You can use it in the product detail in the product catalog component page or anywhere alse on your website where you need to allow your customers to buy a product.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page where will be customers redirected after successful submit of this form.
Form Elements:
product - (required) - the code of a product that will be added to the cart
quantity - (required) - defines the quantity of the product defined by the product parameter that will be added to the cart
attachment - an upload for an attachment a customer wants to add to the product (such as required printing file)
note - a textfield used by customers to provide an additional information to a product (such as requirements or wishes)
See example below:
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('ecommerce.cart.add') }}
<input name="product" type="hidden" value="{{product.code}}"/>
<input id="cart-quantity-input" name="quantity" type="number" value="1" title="Quantity" min="1"/>
<button name="process" type="submit">Add to cart</button>
For variable bundles:
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('ecommerce.cart.add') }}
<input name="product" type="hidden" value="{{ master.code }}" />
{% for content in master.bundleContent %}
{% set productInBundle = content.product %}
{% if productInBundle.isMaster %}
<select name="bundleVariants{{}}">
{% for variant in productInBundle.productVariants %}
<option value="{{ variant.code }}">{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<button><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></button>
<input id="cart-quantity-input" name="quantity" data-max-quantity="{{ master.inventory.availableAmount }}" type="text" value="1" />
<button><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button>
<button name="process" type="submit">
<i class="fa fa-cart-plus"></i> {{ _("Add to cart") }}
To display messages from this form, use this code:
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('ecommerce.cart.add') %}
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
Cart Attachments¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart.addAttachment
Cart Attachment Widget allows your customers to assign an attachment (a file) directly to particular products that have been added to the shopping cart. A customer is able to assign this file both to products and to the order as a whole. Additional info (a short description) of the uploaded file can be added together with a file selected and uploaded directly from the customer’s computer. The added files and additional info are available in the detail of a particular order (in the Sales module), where you can comfortably download it.
BizBox offers you 2 methods of how to attach a file to an order or a particular product. This is the first one - the usage of the Cart Attachments Widget. The second is to assign the attachment directly to the Product Detail page. The second method does not use widget, you have to edit the Add co the Cart Form.
Supported file attachments are: jpg, pdf, png, gif, raw, eps, cdr, ai, zip, rar.
multiple - allows multiple uplad. Currently only 10 files can be uploaded at once. Input name has to be attachment[]. For all uploaded files the same note, type and cart items will be used.
Form Elements:
attachment - the attached file (upload)
note - a textfield used to provide an additional information to a the attachment
type - required; usually a selectbox for a type of attachment (particular product or order as a whole). Particular types are available in the object enums in a its parameter cartAttachmentTypes. Current available types are order attachment and product attachment.
cartItems[] - ID of cart items to which is this attachment attached
cartItemAccessories[] – an array to which the accessory ID can be sent (as they are available in the value).
Example (with multiupload):
{% set defaultAttachmentType = '1' %}
<form method="post" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
{{ widgetFormParams('ecommerce.cart.addAttachment', { 'multiple': 'true' } ) }}
<h4>{{_('Add attachment')}}:</h4>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="file" name="attachment[]" multiple>
<input type="hidden" name="note" value="{{ type }}">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="{{ defaultAttachmentType }}">
<div class="col-sm-2">
<button name="process" class="btn" type="submit">{{ _('Upload attachment')|raw }}</button>
Cart - Add from Order¶
Form name: ecommerce.cart.addFromOrder
Add from Order widget creates a copy of an existing order. The user must be logged in, otherwise the order data can not be obtained. Order products are searched by the product code. You can also use the Web API for this functionality.
orderId - this parameter is used to define the ID of an order which copy you want to create.
Welcome Voucher (Add)¶
Form name: ecommerce.welcomeVoucher.add
Welcome Voucher Widget allows your customers to subscribe to a newsletter in exchange for a voucher code. For more info about this feature please see the e-shop settings help site.
Form Elements:
email - customer’s e-mail that will be added to the newsletter selected in the e-shop settings.
submit - form send button.
Form name: crm.claim
Claim Widget is used on the website by customers to add a new claim. A page which contains this widget should be a part of the user portal in case you want to allow your logged customers to add a new claim to a an existing (previously created) order.
Claims created within this widget are available in the Claims application in the Sales module.
This widget has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
order |
An ID of a existing order for which will be the claim created. This is a required field. |
reason |
A text area used to type a reason (why is this claim created). |
reasonType |
A select box used to select a particular reason type defined in BizBox in the Claim Reason Types application. Use the enums.claimReasonTypes parameter to get all possible reason types from which can your customers make a selection. |
product*ID Order Product* |
The name of this field is consisted from prefix product and suffix ID Order Product taken from the user.orders.items. Example: product0001. All products from the selected order are available here. The value of this field shoud be a number of products which the customer wants to claim (text or numeric field). |
dispatch*ID Order Product Dispatch* |
The name of this field is consisted from prefix product and suffix ID Order Product Dispatch taken from the user.orders.items[0].products[0].dispatches. Example: dispatch0001. All products from the selected order are available here. The value of this field shoud be a number of products which the customer wants to claim (text or numeric field). |
process |
The submit button used to save the claim. |
Customers have to fill in at least one of the reason or reasonType field.
Claim Attachment¶
Form name: crm.claim.attachment
Claim Attachment widget allows your customers to upload an image attachment to a particular claim.
To be able to use this widget, you need to have the Claim Attachment addon available in your account.
This widget has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
claim |
The ID of a particular claim. Required field. |
attachment |
The uploaded file (input type: file). Required field. |
description |
The text comment to the uploaded file. Required field. |
process |
The submit button used to save the claim attachment. |
For proper function you need to set the form must parameter enctype=”multipart/form-data”.
The maximal size of the uploaded file is currently set to 5MB.
Claim Note¶
Form name: crm.claim.note
Claim Note widget allows your customers to add a note to a particular claim (on the website in the user portal).
This widget has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
claim |
The ID of a particular claim. Required field. |
note |
The text area (content of the note). Required field. |
process |
The submit button used to save the claim note. |
Note added like this is always visible to customer (the visibility of a note is one of the claim settings in BizBox Admin).
Form name: ecommerce.checkout
Checkout Widget serves the customer by inserting the shipping and billing info, selecting the payment method and the payment information. Information inserted through this form is (in case the customer finishes the order) automatically added to the Contacts application located in the Sales module. Here you can manage, edit and add more information to this customer and also work with the customer’s order.
In combinaton with the process button: Internal name of a page where will be customers redirected after successful submit of this form.
In combinaton with the placeOrder button: optional, internal name of a page where will be customers redirected after successful submit of this form. If you use this parameter, selected online payment gateway won’t be contacted directly and the selected page (defined by the internal name) will be displayed instead. After redirection, the customer can click a button which allows him/her to make the payment (according to the selected gateway). For more info see the order receival help page.
onRecalculate - Internal name of a page to which will be customers redirected after a recalculation of the cart.
selectAddressReload - Optional parameter used to reload the page after customer selects his/her address from addresses saved in this customer account. As a default, this parameter is set to TRUE, you can change it to FALSE and no reload will occur.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
honorific |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s honorific (billing address). |
firstName |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s first name (billing address). |
lastName |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s last name (billing address). |
companyName |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s company name (billing address). |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s tax identity (billing address). |
companyExtraTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s extra tax identity (billing address). |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s company identification number (billing address). |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s street address (billing address). |
city |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s city (billing address). |
region |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s region (billing address). |
postalCode |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s postal code (billing address). |
country |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s country (billing address). |
phone |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s telephone number (billing address). |
Displays a field for inserting the customer’s e-mail address (billing address). |
pickupPointId |
Displays a field for inserting the pick up point ID. |
vatPayer |
Boolean value which defines if the customer is a VAT payer. |
userAddress |
Carries a particular IDs of saved user addresses (used to create a select box for billing address). |
saveAddress |
A checkbox indicating that the customer want to save the provided billing address. |
saveAddressPresent |
Hidden, required (value set to true) if you want to allow customers to save their billing addresses directly from the checkout. |
shippingSaveAddress |
A checkbox indicating that the customer want to save the provided shipping address. |
shippingSaveAddresPresent |
Hidden, required (value set to true) if you want to allow customers to save their shipping addresses directly from the checkout. |
selectAddress |
A submit button used to select previously saved address (billing) from the user’s account. |
shippingUserAddress |
Carries a particular IDs of saved user addresses (used to create a select box for shipping address). |
shippingSelectAddress |
A submit button used to select previously saved address (shipping) from the user’s account. |
differentShippingAddress |
Displays a field for confirmation that a billing address is different from the shipping address. |
shippingHonorific |
Displays a field for inserting a honorific used in shipping address. |
shippingFirstName |
Displays a field for inserting a first name used in shipping address. |
shippingLastName |
Displays a field for inserting a last name used in shipping address. |
shippingCompanyName |
Displays a field for inserting a company name used in shipping address. |
shippingStreetAddress |
Displays a field for inserting a street address used in shipping address. |
shippingCity |
Displays a field for inserting a city used in shipping address. |
shippingRegion |
Displays a field for inserting a region used in shipping address. |
shippingPostalCode |
Displays a field for inserting a postal code used in shipping address. |
shippingCountry |
Displays a field for inserting a country used in shipping address. |
shippingPhone |
Displays a field for inserting a telephone number used in shipping address. |
shippingCallingCode |
Displays a field for inserting a calling code used in shipping address. |
paymentMethod |
Displays a field for inserting a particular payment method (used with the parameters paymentMethod and paymentMethods in the ecommerce.checkout data source which are not influenced by the system grouping). |
systemPaymentInstrument |
Displays a field for the payment instrument selection (available data are influenced by the system grouping of the same payment method type). |
systemPaymentMethod |
Displays a field for the payment method selection (available data are influenced by the system grouping of the same payment method type). |
deliveryMethod |
Displays a field for inserting the delivery method. |
poNumber |
Displays a field for inserting the purchase order number. |
loyaltyPoints |
Displays a field for inserting the number of loyalty points to use in the cart. |
voucher |
Displays a field for inserting a code of a voucher. |
additionalInfo |
Displays a field for inserting the additional info. |
shippingNote |
Displays a field for inserting the shipping note. Shipping note can be sent to the carrier service. |
termsConfirmation |
Displays a field for confirmation of terms you use on your online store. |
selectedAddress |
A selectbox which contains all available addresses of a logged user. |
selectAddress |
A button used to confirm the address selected in the selectedAddress field. Click on this button will save the values inserted in particular form fields. |
shippingSelectedAddress |
A selectbox which contains all available addresses of a logged user (used for shipping address). |
shippingSelectAddress |
A button used to confirm the address selected in the selectedAddress field (used for shipping address). Click on this button will save the values inserted in particular form fields. |
removeDeliveryMethod |
Removes the selected delivery method. |
removePaymentMethod |
Removes the selected payment method. |
process |
A submit button, after click will be customers redirected to the selected onSuccess page, inserted form values will be saved. |
placeOrder |
A submit button, after click will be the order placed in BizBox. |
isCompanyAddress |
Boolean; defines if the provided address will be added to the company. |
isCompanyAddressPresent |
Boolean; it is used to detect the presence of the isCompanyAddress field in the form. It should be hidden. It should be always defined in the form along with “isCompanyAddress”. This is because when submitting the form, the browser does not send a checkbox value if it is false. |
clearCheckout |
Boolean; TRUE value completely erases all checkout data. |
orderTags[] |
Defines tag that will be assingned to the order. It can be used multiple times. The value of this element has to be the internal name of a tag you want to assign to the order. Non-existing tags will be ignored. The values you enter always overwrite the existing values, so you can’t add a different tag at each checkout step. |
removeAllOrderTags |
Removes all set tags from the checkout (they are set with “orderTags []”). This field deletes all tags that were set in the checkout, incl. those that are set using the same form. Example: <input type=”hidden” name=”removeAllOrderTags” value=”1” /> |
jsonParams |
Allows you to store structured data (JSON) on the order. This is a text format, which can be used to save extra parameters, which are then available in the order object. Example: <input name=’jsonParams’ value=’{“superlogin”: 1}’ type=’hidden’ /> |
You are unable to use both process and placeOrder buttons. Process saves inserted information and proceeds customers to the next step (most likely the checkout overview), placeOrder places the order in BizBox and customers are not longer able to edit (work with) it.
To allow your customers to save the billing address they provided in the checkout, you should use this code:
<input name="saveAddress" type="checkbox"> {{_( 'Save Address' )}}
<input name="saveAddressPresent" type="hidden" value="true">
The form automatically removes a voucher that is invalid for the order. An informational message is displayed to the customer.
System Payment and Delivery Combinations
ecommerce.checkout.systemPaymentAndDeliveryCombinations contains 2 keys deliveries (first level contains intenal names of delivery methods and second level contains internal names of payment methods) and payments (first level contains intenal names of payment methods and second level contains internal names of delivery methods).
Both paralel structures are consisted of:
valid - boolean; defines if selected methods can be used together (according to the checkout settings)
deliveryPrice - contains structure of the price of the delivery method
paymentPrice - contains structure of the price of the system payment method (according to the selected delivery method)
There are payment methods and system payment methods. System methods are grouped together and your customer will be unable to select a concrete one. If there are more gateways of the same type (a bank transfer for example), the final gateway that will be used for payment is detected according to the ratio setting (this is set up in the detail of a particular gateway). Payment methods (paymentMethods) parameter contains all the gateways added to the checkout (there is no grouping together) and you can allow your customers to select concrete gateway.
Customer Alert Forms - Add¶
Customer alert is a request from a customer who wants to receive an information about particular product stock availability. If a product is out of stock, customers can insert their e-mail address. The e-mail will be send automaticaly to the provided e-mail address when the products your customers are interested in become available.
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
Form name: ecommerce.customerAlert.add
{% if product-out-of-stock %}
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('ecommerce.customerAlert.add') }}
<input type="hidden" name="product" value="{{product.code}}" />
{% if not user.logged %}
<input type="email" name="email" value="" />
{% endif %}
<input type="submit" name="process" value="Odeslat" />
{% endif %}
This widget has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
The customer’s e-mail address. |
product |
The particular product code. |
process |
The submit button used to save the customer alert. |
Customer Alert Forms - Remove¶
This form allows to a registered user to remove his/her previously created customer alert.
Form name: ecommerce.customerAlert.remove
{% if user.customerAlerts | length %}
{% for customerAlert in user.customerAlerts %}
<span>Produkt: {{}} ({{customerAlert.product.code}})</span>
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('ecommerce.customerAlert.remove') }}
<input type="hidden" name="customerAlert" value="{{}}" />
<input type="submit" name="process" value="Smazat" />
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
This widget has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
customerAlert |
The customer alert ID. |
process |
The submit button used to save the customer alert. |
Place Order¶
Form name: ecommerce.placeOrder
Place Order allows your customers to place their order. It is the last step of a checkout (also known as checkout overview). The checkout overview page should contain complete information about the order (products, payment and delivery info, sales, loyalty points and so on) with a button which places the order. Customers are unable to change information on this page, they will check it and place the order.
onSuccess (optional) - Internal name of a page where will be customers redirected after successful submit of this form. If you use this parameter, selected online payment gateway won’t be contacted directly and the selected page (defined by the internal name) will be displayed instead. After redirection, the customer can click a button which allows him/her to make the payment (according to the selected gateway). For more info see the order receival help page.
Form Elements:
process - A submit button, after click is the order placed in BizBox.
clearCheckout - boolean value; TRUE value completely erases all checkout data.
See the code example below:
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.placeOrder') }}">
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('ecommerce.placeOrder') %}
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
<button name="process" type="submit">Place order</button>
The form automatically removes a voucher that is invalid for the order. An informational message is displayed to the customer.
Accept Offer¶
Form name: ecommerce.acceptOrder
Accept Order widget allows your customers to accept or decline an offer.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page where will be customers redirected after successful submit of this form.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
offer |
The ID of a particular offer that should be resolved with this form. Required field. |
accept |
The button used to accept the offer. |
decline |
The button used to decline the offer. |
For this widget is not available the process button. The widget is send by accept or decline buttons.
Product Rating¶
Form name: ecommerce.productRating
This form is used to add a new rating to a product. Only a logged user who bought the product can crate a rating. Every user can make only one review per product.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
product |
Required; the code of a rated product. |
rating |
Required, number from the range 0-100; the product rating. |
recommends |
Optional; checkbox which defines if the customer recommends this product. |
pros |
Optional, text area; pros of the product. |
cons |
Optional, text area; cons of the product. |
title |
Optional, text; the title of the review. |
comment |
Optional, text; the commentary (text review). |
Product Discussion¶
Form name: ecommerce.productDiscussion
This form is used to add a new conversation to a product. A discussion can be started with both logged and not logged users.
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
product |
Required; the code of a discussed product. |
title |
Required, text; the title of the discussion. |
comment |
Required, text; the commentary (text of the discussion). |
authorEmail |
Required for anonymous users, e-mail; the e-mail address of the author. |
authorName |
Optional, text; the author’s name. |
If the discussion is started by a registered (logged) user, authorEmail and authorName fields are ignored. For anonymous user is the authorEmail required.
Product Rating Comment¶
Form name: ecommerce.productRating.comment
This form is used to add a new comment to an existing product review.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
replyTo |
Required; the ID of the comment to which this comment replies. |
comment |
Required, text; the reply (comment). |
authorEmail |
Required for anonymous users, e-mail; the e-mail address of the author. |
authorName |
Optional, text; the author’s name. |
If the comment is posted by a registered (logged) user, authorEmail and authorName fields are ignored. For anonymous user is the authorEmail required.
Product Discussion Comment¶
Form name: ecommerce.productDiscussion.comment
This form is used to add a new comment to an existing product discussion.
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
replyTo |
Required; the ID of the comment to which this comment replies. |
comment |
Required, text; the reply (comment). |
authorEmail |
Required for anonymous users, e-mail; the e-mail address of the author. |
authorName |
Optional, text; the author’s name. |
If the comment is posted by a registered (logged) user, authorEmail and authorName fields are ignored. For anonymous user is the authorEmail required.
Product Rating Vote¶
Form name:
This form is used to add a new vote to an existing product rating.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
voteOn |
Required; the ID of the comment to which is this vote related. |
vote |
Required; value minus is used for negative rating, value plus is used for positive rating. |
Product Discussion Vote¶
Form name:
This form is used to add a new vote to an existing product comment/discussion.
This form has no special parameters.
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
voteOn |
Required; the ID of the comment to which is this vote related. |
vote |
Required; value minus is used for negative rating, value plus is used for positive rating. |
Revoke Consents¶
Form name: ecommerce.revokeConsent
This form allows withdrawal of consent (typically used in the user portal for logged-in users).
Form elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
consent |
Required; the ID of the consent that will be revoked. |
{%- if consent.isRevocable -%}
<form method="post" action="{{ widget('ecommerce.revokeConsent') }}">
<input type="hidden" name="consent" value="{{ }}-id" />
<button name="process" type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right">{{_('Revoke consents')}}</button>
{%- else -%}
{{_('No action available')}}
{%- endif -%}
Change Password¶
Form name: user.changePassword
Change Password widget displays the form for the password change. This widget works only in case the user is logged in already (you can test this in a template with the user.logged parameter). The form is used by users to insert their old password, new password and repeat the new password again. After that they have to submit this form and their password will be changed.
There are no parameters for this widget.
Form Elements:
oldPassword - a text field for the old password
newPassword - a text field fot the new password
newPasswordConfirm - a text field to confirm the new password (the newPassword and newPasswordConfirm has to be equal, othervise a message appears, so don’t forget to display messages from this widget)
process - a buton used to send the form
A final code can look like this:
<form class="register-form" method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('user.changePassword') }}
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('user.changePassword') %}
{{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="inputOldPassword">Old Password <span class="required-star">*</span></label>
<input name="oldPassword" type="password" id="inputOldPassword" placeholder="Old Password" required />
<label for="inputPassword">New Password <span class="required-star">*</span></label>
<input name="newPassword" type="password" id="inputPassword" placeholder="New Password" required />
<label for="inputPasswordAgain">Repeat New Password <span class="required-star">*</span></label>
<input name="newPasswordConfirm" type="password" id="inputPasswordAgain" placeholder="Confirm Password" required />
<input name="process" type="submit" value="Save" />
Form name: user.login
Login widget creates a login form. The form has usually 1 button (“Login”) and 2 fields (“Login” and “Password”). It serves for logging in on your website for a registered user. After a successful login, the user will be redirected to the page who required the login automatically. If there is not this page available, the user will be redirected to the page defined in the onSuccess parameter (used in case the user clicked on a login page and it has been not demanded by the system and the permission settings).
The page which contains this form is important for secured pages (pages that can be displayed only to logged users), because (thanks to Special Pages - Log In Page) non-logged users will be automatically redirected here to log in to be able to display the content secured by a user permission.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful login in case the login has not been demanded by the system - the user visited the login page and has not been redirected here because he/she tried to display a page which is protected with some permission settings. In such a case the user will be (after successful login) redirected back to the page which demanded the login.
updateCheckout - updates checkout and cart after login - the tax payer flag is set to the checkout (according to the contact’s company settings). According to the address (default delivery, default billing, person’s address, business address), the state (as a billing state) will set in the checkout. By default, this behavior is disabled.
onFailedLogin – optional; internal name of the page to which the user will be redirected in case of unsuccessful login.
Form Elements:
login - text field for inserting user’s login
password - text field for inserting user’s password
remember - check box, user can select if he/she wants to stay logged forever (limited by the cookie validity)
process - a button to send the form and log in the user
Code example:
<form method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('user.login', {'onSuccess': 'index' }) }}
{% for message in messages.getByWidget('user.login') %}
{{ message.field }} {{ message.text }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="inputEmail">E-mail Address</label>
<input name="login" type="email" id="inputEmail" placeholder="E-mail Address" required />
<label for="inputPassword">Password</label>
<input name="password" type="password" id="inputPassword" placeholder="Password" required />
<div class="checkbox">
<input input name="remember" type="checkbox" value="remember-me" /> Remember Me
<button name="process" type="submit">Login</button>
Form name: user.logout
Logout allows logged users to log out. You are able to specify a page to which will be the user after successful logou redirected.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful logout
Form Elements:
process - a button to send the form and logout the user
<a href="{{ widget('user.logout', {'onSuccess':'catalog'}) }}">Logout</a>
Form name: user.registration
Registration widget allows you to create a form for a new registration. It contains only one input field (“E-mail”). You can extend it by adding the fields for First Name (field name firstName) and Last Name (field name lastName).
When registering, the user can enter the address (common type). Additionally, you can add shipping and billing address fields to the form (see the list of available form fields below). If the shipping address exists, the ordinary (common) address will be marked as billing. Otherwise it will be marked as common. The new billing address will be set as default billing, the new shipping address will be set as the default shipping. Common or business addresses will not be set as default.
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
After the successful registration of the newly registered user an e-mail is automatically sent with the instructions for setting the password. It is absolutely necessary to have:
A Special Page Secure Reset Password Page with the Reset Password Widget (the new user will set his/her password here)
A Template of the Registration E-mail (you will create it in the E-mail Templates application located in the Tools module) that will be sent to the user directly after registration. You have to select this created E-mail Template in the Security application (the Website Editor) in the Registration E-mail field.
Permissions that will be set to the new user (the Security application located in the Website Editor)
Within this form the contact custom properties can be gathered. Use the property internal name and particular input type:
<input type="text" name="custom-property-internal-name"/>
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful registration
newsletter - Internal name of a newsletter to which the provided e-mail address will be added (field name subscribeNewsletter)
Form Elements:
process - a button used to send the form (register the user)
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
login |
Displays a field for user’s login. |
Displays a field for user’s e-mail address. |
phone |
Displays a field for user’s phone number. |
callingCode |
Displays a field for user’s calling code. |
newPassword |
Displays a field for user’s password that will be used to login. |
newPasswordConfirm |
Displays a field for confirmation of a user’s new password (they have to be equal). |
honorific |
Displays a field for user’s honorific. |
firstName |
Displays a field for user’s first name. |
lastName |
Displays a field for user’s last name. |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for user’s street address. |
city |
Displays a field for user’s city. |
county |
Displays a field for user’s county. |
region |
Displays a field for user’s region. |
country |
Displays a field for user’s country (country ID). |
postalCode |
Displays a field for user’s postal code. |
shippingHonorific |
Displays a field for user’s honorific (shipping address). |
shippingFirstName |
Displays a field for user’s first name (shipping address). |
shippingLastName |
Displays a field for user’s last name (shipping address). |
shippingStreetAddress |
Displays a field for user’s street address (shipping address). |
shippingCity |
Displays a field for user’s city (shipping address). |
shippingCounty |
Displays a field for user’s county (shipping address). |
shippingRegion |
Displays a field for user’s region (shipping address). |
shippingCountry |
Displays a field for user’s country (country ID) (shipping address). |
shippingPostalCode |
Displays a field for user’s postal code (shipping address). |
shippingPhone |
Displays a field for user’s phone number (shipping address). |
shippingCallingCode |
Displays a field for user’s calling code (shipping address). |
shippingCompanyName |
Displays a field for user’s company name (shipping address). |
businessHonorific |
Displays a field for user’s honorific (business address). |
businessFirstName |
Displays a field for user’s first name (business address). |
businessLastName |
Displays a field for user’s last name (business address). |
businessStreetAddress |
Displays a field for user’s street address (business address). |
businessCity |
Displays a field for user’s city (business address). |
businessCounty |
Displays a field for user’s county (business address). |
businessRegion |
Displays a field for user’s region (business address). |
businessCountry |
Displays a field for user’s country (country ID) (business address). |
businessPostalCode |
Displays a field for user’s postal code (business address). |
businessPhone |
Displays a field for user’s phone number (business address). |
businessCallingCode |
Displays a field for user’s calling code (business address). |
businessCompanyName |
Displays a field for user’s company name (business address). |
vatPayer |
Boolean value which defines if the customer is a VAT payer. |
companyName |
Displays a field for user’s company name. |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for user’s company tax identity. |
companyExtraTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for user’s company extra tax identity. |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for user’s company identification number. |
partnerAgreementId |
Displays a field for partner agreement ID. |
defaultBillingAddress |
Displays a field for ID of the default billing address. |
defaultShippingAddress |
Displays a field for ID of the default shipping address. |
avatar |
Displays a field for avatar upload. |
isCompanyAddress |
Boolean; defines if the provided address will be added to the company. |
contactGroup |
Field for entering the internal name of the contact group to which the contact will be assigned. |
companyContactGroup |
Field for entering the internal name of the contact group to which the company will be assigned. |
tags[] |
Defines tag that will be assingned to the contact. It can be used multiple times. The value of this element has to be the internal name of a tag you want to assign to the contact. Non-existing tags will be ignored. The values you enter always overwrite the existing values. |
removeAllTags |
Removes all tags from the contact. <input type=”hidden” name=”removeAllTags” /> |
verificationDocument |
Verification document upload field: <form … enctype=”multipart/form-data”>…<input name=”verificationDocument” type=”file” />…</form> |
Registration through Facebook Account¶
You can allow your customers to create their account using their Facebook account.
The link for the log in (registration) is in a template available as user.getFacebookLoginLink( returnUrl ). The ‘returnUrl’ is the link to which will be the user redirected from the Facebook.
How to activate Facebook registration
You must register as a developer here
Create a new application (insert its name which will be used for the authentication requests from the website)
In Settings -> Basic select Add Platform
In the Select Platform choose the Website option
In the Site URL field insert your website URL address
Go to BizBox -> Administration -> Account Settings
Insert the Facebook App ID and Facebook App Secret according to the Facebook application
If a user with existing BizBox account uses the Facebook registration, his/her account will be paired with Facebook account (using the login/e-mail address used in BizBox).
Remove Address¶
Form name: user.removeAddress
Remove Address widget is used to create a form which allows registered users to delete an address they have added to their account.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful address deletion.
Form Elements:
addresssId - The ID if an address which will be deleted
process - a button used to send the form (remove the address)
You can generate delete links for all user’s addresses like this:
{% for address in user.profile.addresses %}
<a href="{{ widget('user.removeAddress') }}&addressId={{ }}">Delete</a>
{% endfor %}
Remove Company Address¶
Form name: user.removeCompanyAddress
Remove Address widget is used to create a form which allows registered users to delete an address they have added to their company.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful address deletion.
Form Elements:
addresssId - The ID if an address which will be deleted
process - a button used to send the form (remove the address)
You can generate delete links for all user’s addresses like this:
{% for address in user.profile.addresses %}
<a href="{{ widget('user.removeAddress') }}&addressId={{ }}">Delete</a>
{% endfor %}
Reset Password¶
Form name: user.resetPassword
Reset Password Widget displays the form for setting up a new password (displays 2 fields for setting up new password). You have to create a Special Page Secure Reset Password Page and insert this form to this Page. Link to this Page will be included in the e-mail after new registration and in the e-mail that is sent for forgotten password request.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful form sending
Form Elements:
changeHash - a hash generated during the password reset request
newPassword - text field for a new password
newPasswordConfirm - text field for a confirmation of the new password. Both passwords has to be the same
process - a button used to send the form (reset the password)
Forgotten Password¶
Form name: user.resetPasswordRequest
Forgotten Password form is used to display a form with one fiel - ‘Login’ or ‘E-mail’, to which will be the instructions for setting new password sent. To make this work is it necessary to have defined:
A Special Page Reset Password Page with the Reset Password form (the new user will set his/her password here)
A Template of the :ref:Reset Password E-mail<doc-reset-password-e-mail>` (you will create it in the E-mail Templates application located in the Tools module). You have to select this created E-mail Template in the Security application (the Website Editor) in the Reset Password E-mail field.
After this form will be sent, the Reset Password e-mail is send to the user who requested it (on the provided e-mail address in case a conatct with that address already exists in BizBox). You need to have the Reset Password form prepared. It serves for setting up a new password. Create a new page with the Reset Password form.
There are no special parameters for this form.
Form Elements:
login - a textfield for a login of user who wants a new password
process - a button used to send the form (request the password)
Save Address¶
Form name: user.saveAddress
Save Address can create new or edit an existing user address.
There are no special parameters for this form.
Form Elements:
addressId - an ID of a currently edited address. If there is no ID, a new address will be created.
firstName - a first name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
lastName - a last name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
streetAddress - a street and house number that will be a part of the edited/created address.
city - a city that will be a part of the edited/created address.
region - a region that will be a part of the edited/created address.
country - a country that will be a part of the edited/created address.
postalCode - a postal code of a city that will be a part of the edited/created address.
phone - a phone connected to the person of this address.
callingCode - a calling code of the phone.
companyName - a company name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
type - an address type (defines its usage in the checkout - billing, shipping or common used for both)
process - a button which saves and sends this form
Save Company Address¶
Form name: user.saveCompanyAddress
Save Company Address is used to create/edit company addresses (adresses created within this widget are saved to the user’s company).
There are no special parameters for this form.
Form Elements:
addressId - an ID of a currently edited address. If there is no ID, a new address will be created.
firstName - a first name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
lastName - a last name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
streetAddress - a street and house number that will be a part of the edited/created address.
city - a city that will be a part of the edited/created address.
region - a region that will be a part of the edited/created address.
country - a country that will be a part of the edited/created address.
postalCode - a postal code of a city that will be a part of the edited/created address.
phone - a phone connected to the person of this address.
callingCode - a calling code of the phone.
companyName - a company name that will be a part of the edited/created address.
type - an address type (defines its usage in the checkout - billing, shipping or common used for both)
process - a button which saves and sends this form
Save Profile¶
Form name: user.saveProfile
Save Profile allows users to change information they have provided during the registration process.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful registration
defaultBillingAddress - Used to save address as a default one for billing; see the example:
<a href="{{ widget('user.saveProfile') }}&defaultBillingAddress={{ }}" class="btn btn-default">Set as default</a>
defaultShippingAddress - Used to save address as a default one for shipping; see the example:
<a href="{{ widget('user.saveProfile') }}&defaultShippingAddress={{ }}" class="btn btn-default">Set as default</a>
Within this form the contact custom properties can be gathered. Use the property internal name and particular input type:
<input type="text" name="custom-property-internal-name"/>
changeLogin - the parameter changes user’s login in case the e-mail address is changed. If the parameter is set, the login will change together with the e-mail.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
login |
Displays a field for user’s login. |
Displays a field for user’s e-mail address. |
phone |
Displays a field for user’s phone number. |
callingCode |
Displays a field for user’s calling code. |
newPassword |
Displays a field for user’s password that will be used to login. |
newPasswordConfirm |
Displays a field for confirmation of a user’s new password (they have to be equal). |
honorific |
Displays a field for user’s honorific. |
firstName |
Displays a field for user’s first name. |
lastName |
Displays a field for user’s last name. |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for user’s street address. |
city |
Displays a field for user’s city. |
county |
Displays a field for user’s county. |
region |
Displays a field for user’s region. |
country |
Displays a field for user’s country. |
postalCode |
Displays a field for user’s postal code. |
vatPayer |
Boolean value which defines if the customer is a VAT payer. |
companyName |
Displays a field for user’s company name. |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for user’s company tax identity. |
companyExtraTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for user’s company extra tax identity. |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for user’s company identification number. |
partnerAgreementId |
Displays a field for partner’s agreement ID. |
removeAvatar |
Displays a field for the avatar removal. |
avatar |
Displays a field for avatar upload. |
tags[] |
Defines tag that will be assingned to the contact. It can be used multiple times. The value of this element has to be the internal name of a tag you want to assign to the contact. Non-existing tags will be ignored. The values you enter always overwrite the existing values. |
removeAllTags |
Removes all tags from the contact. <input type=”hidden” name=”removeAllTags” /> |
verificationDocument |
Verification document upload field: <form … enctype=”multipart/form-data”>…<input name=”verificationDocument” type=”file” />…</form> |
Shopping List - Add¶
Form name: user.shoppingList.add
Shopping List - Add is used to create a new shopping list.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful action.
update - Optional parameter; updates the record.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
name |
Shopping list name (required). |
comment |
User’s commentary (optional). |
Shopping List - Remove¶
Form name: user.shoppingList.remove
Shopping List - Add is used to delete an existing shopping list.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful action.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
id |
The ID of the shopping list that will be removed. |
Shopping List - Update¶
Form name: user.shoppingList.update
Shopping List - Add is used to update an existing shopping list.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful action.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
id |
The ID of the shopping list that will be updated. |
name |
The name of the shopping list. |
comment |
The user’s commentary. |
Supplier Portal¶
The supplier portal is a part of your website used for suppliers (persons who have been created in the Suppliers application and their user account is active). Suppliers are responsible for dispatching products which they are connected to (in a particular product detail, every product can be assigned to one supplier). This portal consists of a page which contains list of orders with the ‘supplier’s products’ on them and of the order page detail (here all information about the order is displayed - customer, bought products, address, order state, documents and so on). Pages should be protected there with special user permissions which are granted only to the users who are suppliers.
Your suppliers will log into your website and will be able (thanks to user permissions) to display and work with this portal. They should resolve and dispatch available orders and change their state using the Set Order Dispatch widget.
Set Order Dispatch¶
Form name: supplier.order.setDispatch
Set Order Dispatch should be a part of the support portal. It allows suppliers to change a particuar order state. It can be used like this:
<form name="supplier-order" method="post">
{{ widgetFormParams('supplier.order.setDispatch') }}
<input type="hidden" name="orders[]" value="{{ }}" />
<select name="dispatchState">
<option value="8"{% if order.dispatchState.sysid == 'packing' %} selected{% endif %}>Packing</option>
<option value="6"{% if order.dispatchState.sysid == 'packed' %} selected{% endif %}>Packed</option>
<option value="3"{% if order.dispatchState.sysid == 'dispatched' %} selected{% endif %}>Dispatched</option>
<input type="submit" value="Change State" name="process">
Form Elements
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
orders[ ] |
Contains a list of orders to which will be the order dispatch state changed. |
dispatchState |
Contains an ID of the new dispatch state to which will be the orders defined in the orders[ ] list switched. |
process |
A button used to send this form. |
All dispatch states are available in the enumeration object dispatchStates. Use the parameter {{ enums.dispatchStates }} to access it. For more info see the enums documentation.
List of available enumeration states:
Dispatch State |
Internal Name |
Order |
Created |
created |
1 |
Pending |
pending |
2 |
Waiting |
waiting |
3 |
Packing |
packing |
4 |
Packed |
packed |
5 |
Dispatched |
dispatched |
6 |
Delivered |
delivered |
7 |
Canceled |
canceled |
8 |
Returned |
returned |
9 |
Partner Portal¶
Partner Registration¶
Form name: partner.registration
Partner Registration allows you website visitor to register as a partner. Basically it is the same as the normal registration, but there are included information about a partner agreement. A potential partner has to agree with it in order to be able to become a partner.
When registering, the partner can enter the address (common type). Additionally, you can add shipping and billing address fields to the form (see the list of available form fields below). If the shipping address exists, the ordinary (common) address will be marked as billing. Otherwise it will be marked as common. The new billing address will be set as default billing, the new shipping address will be set as the default shipping. Common or business addresses will not be set as default.
You can use the Google reCAPTCHA in this widget.
Within this form the contact custom properties can be gathered. Use the property internal name and particular input type:
<input type="text" name="custom-property-internal-name"/>
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful registration
newsletter - Internal name of a newsletter to which will be the provided e-mail address added (field name subscribeNewsletter)
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
login |
Displays a field for partner’s login. |
partnerName |
Displays a field for partner’s name (if not defined, the company name will be used instead). |
Displays a field for partner’s e-mail address. |
phone |
Displays a field for partner’s phone number. |
callingCode |
Displays a field for partner’s calling code. |
newPassword |
Displays a field for partner’s password that will be used to login. |
newPasswordConfirm |
Displays a field for confirmation of a partner’s new password (they have to be equal). |
honorific |
Displays a field for partner’s honorific. |
firstName |
Displays a field for partner’s first name. |
lastName |
Displays a field for partner’s last name. |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for partner’s street address. |
city |
Displays a field for partner’s city. |
county |
Displays a field for partner’s county. |
region |
Displays a field for partner’s region. |
country |
Displays a field for partner’s country (country ID). |
postalCode |
Displays a field for partner’s postal code. |
companyName |
Displays a field for partner’s company name. |
shippingHonorific |
Displays a field for partner’s honorific (shipping address). |
shippingFirstName |
Displays a field for partner’s first name (shipping address). |
shippingLastName |
Displays a field for partner’s last name (shipping address). |
shippingStreetAddress |
Displays a field for partner’s street address (shipping address). |
shippingCity |
Displays a field for partner’s city (shipping address). |
shippingCounty |
Displays a field for partner’s county (shipping address). |
shippingRegion |
Displays a field for partner’s region (shipping address). |
shippingCountry |
Displays a field for partner’s country (country ID) (shipping address). |
shippingPostalCode |
Displays a field for partner’s postal code (shipping address). |
shippingCompanyName |
Displays a field for partner’s company name (shipping address). |
businessHonorific |
Displays a field for partner’s honorific (billing address). |
businessFirstName |
Displays a field for partner’s first name (billing address). |
businessLastName |
Displays a field for partner’s last name (billing address). |
businessStreetAddress |
Displays a field for partner’s street address (billing address). |
businessCity |
Displays a field for partner’s city (billing address). |
businessCounty |
Displays a field for partner’s county (billing address). |
businessRegion |
Displays a field for partner’s region (billing address). |
businessCountry |
Displays a field for partner’s country (country ID) (billing address). |
businessPostalCode |
Displays a field for partner’s postal code (billing address). |
businessCompanyName |
Displays a field for partner’s company name (billing address). |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for partner’s company tax identity. |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for partner’s company identification number. |
partnerAgreementId |
Displays a field for partner’s agreement ID- |
avatar |
Displays a field for avatar upload. |
isCompanyAddress |
Boolean; defines if the provided address will be added to the company. |
contactGroup |
Field for entering the internal name of the contact group to which the contact will be assigned. |
companyContactGroup |
Field for entering the internal name of the contact group to which the company will be assigned. |
tags[] |
Defines tag that will be assingned to the contact. It can be used multiple times. The value of this element has to be the internal name of a tag you want to assign to the contact. Non-existing tags will be ignored. The values you enter always overwrite the existing values. |
removeAllTags |
Removes all tags from the contact. <input type=”hidden” name=”removeAllTags” /> |
verificationDocument |
Verification document upload field: <form … enctype=”multipart/form-data”>…<input name=”verificationDocument” type=”file” />…</form> |
Partner Manager¶
Form name: partner.manager
Partner Manager allows partners (managers) to change information they have provided during the registration process.
onSuccess - Internal name of a page to which will be users redirected after successful registration
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
login |
Displays a field for manager’s login. |
Displays a field for manager’s e-mail address. |
phone |
Displays a field for manager’s phone number. |
callingCode |
Displays a field for manager’s calling code. |
newPassword |
Displays a field for manager’s password that will be used to login. |
newPasswordConfirm |
Displays a field for confirmation of a manager’s new password (they have to be equal). |
firstName |
Displays a field for manager’s first name. |
lastName |
Displays a field for manager’s last name. |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for manager’s street address. |
city |
Displays a field for manager’s city. |
county |
Displays a field for manager’s county. |
region |
Displays a field for manager’s region. |
country |
Displays a field for manager’s country (country ID). |
postalCode |
Displays a field for manager’s postal code. |
companyName |
Displays a field for manager’s company name. |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for manager’s company tax identity. |
companyExtraTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for manager’s company extra tax identity. |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for manager’s company identification number. |
partnerAgreementId |
Displays a field for manager’s partner agreement ID. |
avatar |
Displays a field for avatar upload. |
Partner Remove Manager¶
Form name: partner.removeManager
Partner Remove Manager allows partners (managers) to delete other managers from their partner account.
This widget has no special parameters.
Form Elements:
person - Contains the ID of a particular manager which should be deleted.
Save Manager¶
Form name: partner.saveManager
Save Manager allows partners (users) to add or change an existing manager (and his/her information or public user permissions).
changeLogin - the parameter changes user’s login in case the e-mail address is changed. If the parameter is set, the login will change together with the e-mail.
Form Elements:
Form Field Name |
Form Field Description |
person |
Optional field for the ID of a particular existing manager (used for edition of an existing manager). Left this field blank to create a new manager. |
login |
Displays a field for manager’s login. |
Displays a field for manager’s e-mail address. |
phone |
Displays a field for manager’s phone number. |
callingCode |
Displays a field for manager’s calling code. |
newPassword |
Displays a field for manager’s password that will be used to login. |
newPasswordConfirm |
Displays a field for confirmation of a manager’s new password (they have to be equal). |
honorific |
Displays a field for manager’s honorific. |
firstName |
Displays a field for manager’s first name. |
lastName |
Displays a field for manager’s last name. |
streetAddress |
Displays a field for manager’s street address. |
city |
Displays a field for manager’s city. |
county |
Displays a field for manager’s county. |
region |
Displays a field for manager’s region. |
country |
Displays a field for manager’s country (country ID). |
postalCode |
Displays a field for manager’s postal code. |
companyName |
Displays a field for manager’s company name. |
companyTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for manager’s company tax identity. |
companyExtraTaxIdentity |
Displays a field for manager’s company extra tax identity. |
companyIdentificationNumber |
Displays a field for manager’s company identification number. |
partnerAgreementId |
Displays a field for manager’s partner agreement ID. |
avatar |
Displays a field for avatar upload. |
permissions[] |
Use to create checkbox with selection of public user permissions. To enable the deletion of permissions (empty settings), you need to use it in combination with the hasPermissions parameter in the hidden input - it can have any value. |
hasPermissions |
Use to create checkbox with selection of public user permissions. To enable the deletion of permissions (empty settings), you need to use it in combination with the permissions[] parameter in the hidden input - it can have any value. |