Reports Module

Reports module is divided into several parts, according to the data it displays. These parts are focused on Orders, Products, Costs (costs are the prices you, not the customer, pay for product dispatch - the payment, handling, delivery and packaging charges), Comparison and Others (such as the progress of currencies’ exchange rate).

In case you are using more currencies on your online store, you can use Exchange Rate Tables created in the Administration module in the Exchange Rates application. The thing is, that your reports can be a little bit unclear, because you are (most likely) not able to see the total amount you sell, because it is divided into more currencies. Thanks to Exchange Table Rates you are able to recalculate all currencies into only one.

Each of the Report’s applications has buttons in the right upper corner

  • Filters allows you to filter data (website, order state, currency, contact, company or partner). Filters offer may vary according to the selected report.

  • Group is used to select required table rates that will be used for currency calculations. The table rates needs to be previously created in the Administration module in the Exchange Rates application, otherwise you are not able to select anything in here.

  • Date selects the date (period) that will be displayed.

For example: you are selling in EUR and GBP. In the reports you can see some orders created in EUR and some created in GBP. It means that you are probably not able to see the total amount for sold products at first sight, because they are in different currencies. Thanks to exchange rate table you are able to display a new column that contains recalculated order amounts in one selected currency (according to the used Exchange Rate Table).

The displayed data can be affected with date and columns selection. In the right upper corner you can select the period of time that will be displayed. In case you don’t select any date, all records will be displayed (without any time limits). For faster and more comfortable work you can directly select one of the offered time periods - Today, Yesterday, Current Week and Current Month. In case you will use the Custom value, you will be able to select the date you want by clicking the starting and ending day in the calendar.

The work with all these Reports applications is basically the same. There is always a grid with data about orders or currencies. Applications in the Managerial Summary and Order Analyses have also a graph part.

By clicking the little arrow on every column name you are able to show or hide particular columns (click the little arrow, select Columns and click the particular one that you want to display or hide). This will affect the data displayed in the graph below.


The graph automatically displays all data from columns in the upper section. In case you hide (or display) some column, it will be immediately shown in the graph below.

You can also select the graph type (Bar, Column, Line or Pie) according to your needs together with the Y axis (Value) - here you can select one of the displayed columns that will be used as the Y axis.

Apart from that you can export all data in Excel, CSV, PDF or HTML file format (this can be used only up to 1 000 displayed records. The Download button is available in the Data Exports applications.

Managerial Summary

Managerial Summary is the main and most important overview of your store sales. Applications here display only the main data in order to be as clear as possible. If you want to create more complex reports, use the Order Analyses or Data Exports groups of applications. The Managerial Summary consists of 4 applications:

  • Sales Performance displays orders placed in your store. As a default, a simple daily graph is displayed. Below is a plain table with data used in the graph. Only 4 columns can be displayed: Period (date), number of Orders, Revenue and Revenue with tax. In case you are selling in two or more currencies, and, in the particular Period orders were placed in different currencies, the Revenue columns display the sum of all orders from all currencies. For example: You are selling in EUR and GBP in your store. The value displayed in the Revenue columns is a sum of these two currencies – and it probably does not make any sense, because two different currencies are totaled. To fix this, you have to select the currency that will be displayed - and the revenue will be recalculated to this currency. To make this feature work, you have to define exchange rates first and subsequently select the particular table in the right upper corner. After that, all the columns will make perfect sense! Remember that apart the exchange report you can select also the displayed period.

  • Revenue Growth simply displays the increase/decrease of sales over a selected period of time. Thanks to this you can see how fast your business is expanding. In this application only 3 columns can be displayed - Period, Revenue and Revenue with tax included.

  • Market Structure is used in case you are selling to more countries (otherwise your market structure is limited only to a single country and this graph cannot display anything interesting to you). Here you can see all orders placed during the selected period and are sorted according to the countries. Only 5 columns can be displayed here – Countries, Period, number of Orders and Revenue with and without tax included. It is only a simple graph used to provide quick info.

  • Product Performance is narrowly focused on the products you sold. Here you can see which ones are sold the most (for a selected period of time). You can work with 6 columns – with the Product itself, period of time, number of Orders, units sold, and revenue with and without tax included.

  • Customer Groups is used in case you are using various contact groups to segment your customers’ orders. This report displays orders grouped by the customer groups. You will be able to display and export this information. This report displays the number of orders (and its price amount) per particular contact group. In case there are orders that are not connected with a contact group, the order will be added to the no contact group group.

In Managerial Summary, additional filters can be applied. Click the Filters button in the right upper corner and select and apply particular order filters:

  • Website - filter orders according their origin website.

  • Order State - filter orders according to their payment state.

  • Currency - filter orders according to their currency.

Order Analyses

Order Analyses is a group of reports applications that can display a wide quantity of information. You can select only those that are relevant to you. We recommend you to restrict the display of columns according to your needs. Thanks to this you will be able to really use the huge potential of these applications - as a default, they display the range of information so wide that it is a little bit unclear at first sight.

  • Orders by Websites is an application used in case you have more websites used to sell products. Here you can see the sales (orders places) according to the websites you have in your account. Remember that you can also restrict the display of some columns to change the data the graph displays.

  • Orders by States application is used to work with data about the order states – you can see how many of them are paid, canceled, prepared, refunded and so on. You can restrict the display of the columns that are not relevant to your current needs. The graph changes according to the selected columns.

  • Orders by Currencies is an application which displays orders according to its currencies.

Data Exports

Data Exports applications group is focused on data exports. Here you can find all the data and information you can need for your accounting and reconciliation purposes.

  • Order Cost Summary application is used to work with all costs bounded to an order. Every cost is displayed separately on its own row.

  • Order Profits application is used in case you are working with the costs feature (products/receipts). Costs define how much you pay for products and some services and methods - this can be Delivery, Payment, Handling and Packaging Methods. In the Pricelists application you can define the price a customer will pay and also the price you pay for it (a cost). Report application Order Costs allows you to display the prices you have to pay for the costs of your orders. You can select and export only the columns you really need. The Download button allows you to download all filtered data (data set in the right upper corner; grid filters will not be applied).

  • Products Costs application is focused on the products you have sold. You can restrict the displayed columns and export this data. The Download button allows you to download all filtered data (data set in the right upper corner; grid filters will not be applied).

  • Reconciliation application is carefully designed for the purposes of your reconciliation. Reconciliation is should be a part of your accounting. It is a process used to ensure, that money you spent matches the money you received. The Download button allows you to download all filtered data (data set in the right upper corner; grid filters will not be applied).

  • Exchange Rate Progress application is a little bit different from the rest. It is not connected with your orders and sales. It is dedicated to the exchange rate progress. This application can be used only in case you are using Exchange Reports in your online store (which means you are selling in two or more currencies). Application displays how the rate of some currency is changing in a selected time period.

  • Issued Products Monthly application displays number of products that have been issued from the stock (as the issue date is taken the date on the issue itself; order dates (creation, payment) are ignored). Data are displayed by month. You can download the data in XLSX, CSV, PDF or HTML format.