Working with Orders

Receive an Order from Your Online Store

Orders placed on your online store are automatically displayed in the Orders application located in the Sales module.

When an order is placed, there are 2 ways the order can be paid and processed on the website from the customer’s view (this mostly influences the behavior of online payments):

  1. The order is placed and then immediately the payment process starts. This means that the customer will be redirected to the selected payment gateway to make the payment. This doesn’t allow your customers to make the payment again. If it fails (for variable reasons), the customer has to make a new order and attempt to proceed with the payment again. For orders with offline payments (such as bank transfer, invoice, cash on delivery or cash) a particular Special Page (waiting payment in most cases) is displayed. In points:

    • After the order is placed, the customer is redirected to the selected payment gateway (for online payments).

    • For offline payments, the Special Page Waiting Payment is displayed.

    • For online payment, the customer is automatically redirected to the selected payment gateway and after the payment is redirected, back to BizBox to the relevant Special Page (Payment Successful, Payment Failed of Payment Canceled).

    • The customer is unable to make repeat the online payment in case it fails or is cancelled.

    • You are not able to change the payment method to online payment method.

  2. The order is placed in the waiting state and the customer is redirected a page where a ‘pay’ button is located which redirects the customer to the selected payment gateway. The customer can make the payment and in case it fails, he/she is able to click the ‘pay’ button again and attempt to proceed to the payment again. You (as a seller and order manager) are able to change the payment method if the customer requests it. The customer can try to make the payment with the new method selected in the BizBox admin using the ‘pay’ button again. There is no need to make a new order. For offline payments (such as bank transfer, invoice, cash on deliver or cash) the same page is displayed, but the info about payment will be displayed here (and no ‘pay’ button, because there is no need to redirect the customer to another website). If you change the order payment method to online payment, the ‘pay’ button will be displayed. This page should be available from the customer’s profile on the website. In points:

    • There is one page to which the customer is redirected immediately after the order is placed.

    • The ‘pay’ button allows customers to repeat the payment in case it fails or is canceled.

    • You can change the payment method and the customer can (in the order detail) make the online payment.

    • The customer can reach the page from his/her profile (account) and make the payment.

    • For offline payments, the page contains information about the selected payment (bank transfer, invoice, cash on delivery or cash).

General scenario for this online payment can look like this:

  1. A customer places the order, which is automatically saved to BizBox (Orders application in the Sales module) in the waiting state.

  2. To the customer is the page with payment information displayed:

    • Bank account or cash information

    • Button which redirects the customer to selected online payment gateway

  3. After clicking the button, the customer will be redirected to selected online payment gateway. After successful or unsuccessful payment, the customer is redirected back to your website:

    • Successful payment - order payment state is updated to paid

    • Unsuccessful payment - order payment state is updated to payment failed or payment canceled. On the page it the button for online payment still available and the customer can try to make the payment again.

  4. If the customer did not pay and is logged in (or the order token exists), he/she can still make the payment (the payment button is still available).

  5. If the order is not paid, you are able to change the payment method manually in the Orders application. After that the customer can make the payment as described above.

How the order will be processed is influenced by the onSuccess parameter defined in the checkout or place order forms. If you will use this parameter, the second option (with the ‘pay’ button) will be used. When the onSuccess parameter is not used, the first (automatic immediately redirection to the selected gateway) will be used.

In case an order is placed:

  • you will receive an e-mail notification (in case you have set up this feature, see related help-site)

  • the order will be available in the Orders application

  • the customer will receive an order confirmation e-mail (in case you have set this up in the E-shop Settings)

  • the order will be processed in order of its type, purchased products and used payment and delivery methods (according to the E-shop Settings)

You can see the details of the created order and change the customer’s info and/or update ordered products and used shipping/payment methods or discounts.

Product Reservation

If you are using a stock or stocks on your online store, the purchased products (products from a placed order) are in the stock automatically marked as reserved (you can see it in the particular product detail on the Inventory tab or in the Stock application where all stock supply is displayed).

Dispatch Order

Reservations are held as long as the order is not (at least) in the state defined in the stock settings (Dispatch State for Reservation Removal) which are available in the Administration module. After that, the products are subtracted from the stock supplies. This mechanism guarantees that there cannot be two (or more) orders for the same product from the stock because the reservation is created immediately after the order is placed.

Canceled Order

If the order is canceled, reservations are added back to the stock available amount. Products (orders) without reservations cannot be send to stock. If you click the Send to Stock button on an order where a product reservation is missing a dialog will appear. It allows you to add missing reservations to products and to process the order. If the products are no longer in stock, the reservation will be created as well (negative number).

Display Reservations

If you want to see on which orders are reservations created, go to a particular product edition (Inventory tab) or to the Stock Supply tab which is available in a particular Stock detail (Products module). Here is the stock supply displayed (only for a particular product or for all products on the stock - depending on the application you are in). For a product for which you want to display orders with reservations click the action button on the right and select the Reservations option. A new window with order numbers will appear.

Manual Creation of Orders

Orders displayed in the Orders application (Sales module) are mostly created by your customers through the Checkout Widget. But there can be a situation when you need to create a new order manually by yourself. This can occur in case you discover a problem with an order placed through normal checkout, you accidentally cancel an existing order or just need to create order as a vendor request or something like that. It is up to you - the main thing is, that you can do it.

In the Order application click the New button and fill in all the required fields.

  • Customer field defines the customer in case he/she already owns record in the Contact Contacts Application (this one is located in the Sales module as well). If not, leave this field blank. If yes, just select the customer and all fields will be automatically filled in according to the last order of the customer.

  • Country is a required field. Select the country in which will be this order realized. As you can see, only countries used in your online store are available for selection.

  • Website defines the Website on which will be this order placed - it is the online store itself.

  • Culture defines the language of the order (Invoices, E-mails and so on) and other settings that are depending on Culture.

  • Currency defines the currency that will be used for this order. This is very suitable in case you are using pricelists in more currencies.

Click the Continue button and a new window with 4 tabs appears.

General tab

General tab stores the main info about the order and customer. Order type defines the reason why this order is created. Order Type can be changes only for orders in following states: Invoiced, Cash on Delivery, Waiting, Prepared or Reserved.

Customer Info, Company. Billing and Shipping Addresses are used to insert information about the customer.

If you have selected a particular customer in the first step and this customer has saved at least one address, you can select this address in the select box for a particular address (billing or shipping). The selected address will be prefilled in the address fields.

Products tab

Products tab is used to add products that will be bought by the created order. Click the Add button and select (search for) particular product. Type the product code, EAN or name into the field. Products are searched automatically - you can see its name, code, EAN, price (according to the selected customer - taken from the standard pricelist, partner pricelist and with applied price levels if for the contact exists any) and current stock condition.

Search Filters is a button located next to the search field. It displays search filter settings. The Only active setting, which is enabled by default, so only active products appear in the search. If you want to add an inactive product to the order, you need to turn off this filter.

The Order Extra Items Addon allows you to add a product, which is not defined in your product catalog.

Select a product and insert the required information and settings:

  • Quantity defines how many products you will add to this order

  • In the Unit Price field set the price for one product you have selected above

  • Gross Price flag defines (set to YES) that inserted price is with VAT included

  • Product Tax Category defines to which tax category this product belongs

  • Unit Discount is optional and is used in case you want to apply a discount to the product - if this occurs, don’t forget to insert its name as well.

  • Calculate discount allows you to calculate the percentage discount. You enter the percentage of the discount in the prepared field and click the Calculate button. The discount on the product will be calculated according to it.

  • Flat Price setting appears if the price in the pricelist is marked as Flat Price.

Total field is not editable - it is just the final sum a customer should pay. Added Products can be edited and deleted according to your needs.

Additional Fields

  • Additional Info allows you to provide information about this product.

  • Assigned Images are used to add images (files from the File Manager) to the product.


Remember that not all Additional fields has to be available for your account. Their availability is taken from particular addons you use in your account.


In the accessories section, you can add accessories to the product along with its price. The price setting is the same as for the product.


If you edit a product that has accessories, the number of accessories for that product does not change automatically.

Discounts tab

Discounts tab is used to apply a discount on the order as a whole. Discount for particular product is applied to the product itself on the Products tab. Here you insert a Name, total amount and tax used for the whole order. Discounts added here can be also easily edited and deleted. Apply on Services setting is used to define how the total order price will be calculated for loyalty points and affiliates. The setting will not affect the total price of the order; it only determines if the discount should be applied first to the service prices when calculating loyalty points and affiliate - this means that the customer will receive more loyalty points/a higher amount for the affiliate.

Payment and Delivery tab

Payment and Delivery tab defines how this order will be paid and delivered to the customer. Methods offered in fields are taken from the settings in Administration module.

  • Delivery Service offering is taken from the checkout connected to the e-shop settings selected for this order. In case you will use Zásilkovna, Uloženka, Geis Point, Czech Post Packet to the Hand or another service that requires system-defined shipping address, this address will be automatically used as a shipping address for this order (see it on the first tab - you are unable to define it here, because it will be filled in by the system automatically). Prices displayed for delivery services are taken from the customer’s pricelist (or partner pricelist).

  • Payment Method offering is taken from the checkout connected to the e-shop settings selected for this order. Prices displayed for payment methods are taken from the customer’s pricelist (or partner pricelist).

  • Handling Method and Packing Methods can be selected optionally. They are used only in connection with ref:stocks<lab-handling-methods>.

When you are done and all required fields are defined, click the Create button and the new order appears in the Order application. Now you are able to work with it as with any other order.


For manually created orders, you have to send all e-mails manually!

Payment Refund

Refund is used in case of a compliant or another problems when you have to return the payment back to customer. This can be easily done thanks to refunds. Refund can be created for every paid order. If you need to create one, you have to fulfil these prerequisites:

  • Credit Note - Credit Note is a tax document used for refunds purposes. It is automatically created as a part of refund and contains information about the refund itself, purchased products, customer and seller. You have to create the template for Credit Note in the Administration first and after that you have to assign in to a particular E-shop Settings to make it work. Credit Note is also very important for your accounting software. Without setting the Credit Note template, it will not be possible to refund the order.

  • A refunded order has to be paid one. You are not able to refund an unpaid order.

  • You need a customer’s bank account number, because it is added when creating a refund - it defines where to send the refunded payment.

The refund itself is done in the order detail - click the refund button. Its unavailability declares that the invoice has not been created yet. Otherwise you are able to create the refund.


A refunded order cannot be edited.

Refund Reason

Click the refund button and a new window appears. Insert the reason for the refund (it can be displayed on the generated credit note document).

Customer Settings

In this section can be set up the customer’s classification. It allows you to assign to the customer a positive (VIP) or negative (Risk) rating. This rating will be displayed next to the customer’s name in his/her orders details. This setting is available in the customer’s profile in the Contacts application where you can manage it (change or deletion).

Refunded Items

In this section is a flag which determines if you want to refund the whole order or only a part of it. If you unmark this flag, a new part of the window appears and you are able to set up the refund in detail.

Here you see all purchased products together with the basic information about them. For every product you can set the number of returned units or change the price of it. You can also add extra items to it if necessary.

The Payment Information tab allows you to define the bank account of the customer to which the refund will be returned. It is necessary to know this information before you create the refund because this information (customer’s bank number and bank account number) can be displayed on the Credit Note (according to the template you defined in the Administration module in the E-commerce Templates application).

You are also able to edit the last created refund. If you want to edit a refund, you have to go to a particular order detail and locate the Payments tab. Here are displayed all the payments and refunds connected to this order. Only the last created refund can be edited. Select it and click the Edit button. Now you are able to change the last refund - it is basically the same as if you have created a new one. After you save the changes you made, a new Credit Note will be automatically generated. All payments that are or should be refunded are clearly displayed in the Refunded Payments application located in the Sales module.

After you successfully process the refund (you will send the payment to customer’s bank account), you can mark this refund as processed in the Refunded Payments application.

Refunded Payments application displays all refunds created in the Orders application. In case you will create a refund, it will be displayed here. After you resolve it (you send the payment back to customer), mark the refund as processed. This change will be also displayed on the Payments tab in the order detail.

Capture Payment and Dispatch Orders

This is closely related with the used payment.

  • Cash on Delivery – ordered products are sent to a customer immediately after he/she places the order. The payment will be received later and it will not affect the order dispatch. When you receive the payment, you have to mark the particular order as paid.

  • Personal Pickup combined with cash payment is basically the same as the cash on delivery mentioned above. You will deliver the ordered products to the customer and he/she will give you the payment. Subsequently you will mark the order as paid.

  • Orders with other payment types (bank transfer and credit card) has to be paid before the order is dispatched. In case of an online payment (credit card) the order is marked as paid automatically and immediately after the order is paid.

  • For the bank transfer, there are two ways: automatic and manual.

    • The automatic one uses the bank’s authorization token. It connects the payments with the appropriate orders. This process is fully automatic (orders will be automatically marked as paid). You need to set up this feature in your bank account and insert the authorization token in a particular Payment Gateway (Bank Transfer).

    • In the manual version you have to check your bank account, see which orders have been paid (capture the payment) and mark those as paid in BizBox.


If the order price is zero (typically if the appropriate amount of loyalty points or a voucher that creates a discount on the entire order is used), it is automatically paid by the payment gateway Without Payment. Such an order is automatically marked as paid.

Mark Order as Paid

Some orders using payment methods that are not connected with BizBox (such as cash on delivery or cash payment for the personal pick-up) must be marked as paid manually. If you are not using a Stock, you will use the Change States button located in the toolbar in the order detail. Here, both payment and dispatch states can be changed according to your needs.

If you use a Stock, you need to let it know about this order. It is processed automatically for orders created on the online store, but for manually created orders the use of the next procedure is required:

Notice the Process Order button in the toolbar (order detail). Click it and a new window will appear.

  • For orders from an e-shop (placed on the website) the Purchase Confirmation e-mail will be sent to the customer, connected e-shop documents will be generated and the order will be sent to stock (according to the E-shop Settings).

  • For manually created orders, the button will only send the order to the stock. If you want to send and/or generate e-mails and order documents, you have to do it manually, using the Send E-mail button and Add button in the Order detail (Documents tab).

Order Dispatch

This is always performed according to the needs of your specific e-shop.

When the order has been dispatched to the customer, he/she receives an e-mail according to the payment type: In case of Cash on Delivery and Personal Pickup, the customer only receives an Order Confirmation E-mail (the order is not paid but it has been dispatched) – the Purchase Confirmation E-mail can be (not necessarily) sent after you receive the payment.

For a payment in advance, you can send the Order Confirmation E-mail (notifying the customer that the order has been successfully placed) and the Purchase Confirmation E-mail when the payment is accepted by you. This e-mail notifies that the payment has been received and the order has been dispatched.

For online payments define the Purchase Confirmation E-mail which will be received after the payment is accepted. There is no need to define the Order Confirmation E-mail because the order should be paid immeditately.

Order dispatch is dependent on your e-shop settings, stock settings and the nature of products on a particular order.

In general, there are 2 types of order’s dispatch: automatic and manual.

Manual Dispatch

Manual Dispatch is a normal dispatch that is totally in your hands - nothing is automatized (except the payments assignment to the orders in case you are using this feature). It is you who has to go and pick, pack and ship the particular order manually. If you are using a manual dispatch in your online store, click the Process Order button in the detail of a particular order and all connected actions will be executed (document generation, sending of confirmation e-mail and stock contacting. If you use the Shipments application, a shipment record will be automatically created).

If you are using the stock management, you need to click the Dispatch button located in the order detail. It creates the issue and write the products off the stock.

If you are using the Shipments application, after you click the Process Order button, a new record in this application will be created.

Automatic Dispatch

Automatic Dispatch means that the whole order (or particular products from it) is dispatched (sent to the customer) automatically, after the order is paid.

BizBox allows you to sell products in an electronic form - this can typically be e-books, software and other various files (music, videos, documents, images, events etc.). These products can be sent to the customer automatically. Currently you can allow your customers to download images from the Photobank module and we are ready to sell electronic products with license key management.

Apart from electronical products, you can automatically dispatch physical products as well. You need to use stock - an external service that will pick, pack and ship the ordered products. Information about particular orders are sent to this service automatically and the service take care of the whole process of dispatching and shipping for you.

Cancel Orders

In case a customer change his/her mind, you can cancel the order. Remember that in case of a paid order (or order with an existing invoice) you should rather refund it and not only cancel it. The refund creates a Credit Note and is reconciled with your accounting.

An order that is not paid yet can be canceled (you don’t need to create Credit Note and refund anything). Edit a particular order and click the Cancel button in the toolbar. A new window will appear.


Here has to be selected why is this order cancelled (select one of the predefined reason types and fill in a short commentary). This internal information will be available only in the order detail.

Customer Settings

In this section can be set up the customer’s classification. It allows you to assign to the customer a positive (VIP) or negative (Risk) rating. This rating will be displayed next to the customer’s name in his/her orders details. This setting is available in the customer’s profile in the Contacts application where you can manage it (change or deletion).

Export Orders

You can export any order in various formats. Go to the Orders application located in the Sales module. In the toolbar there is the Export button. Click it and new window will appear.

Export Type

In the Export type field can be selected:

  • Custom export - this is your own custom export created in the Exports application.

  • System export - all of the offered types can have a different export (different range or names for particular information). It means that the type selected here influences the order range (for example: the Zásilkovna - Excel exports only order that use the Zásilkovna delivery service). If you want to use your own orders selection, use the custom option in the settings below. As a user you are not able to change export templates for these exports. If you need to do so, please use the custom export discused above.

    ** Orders PDF - exports order documents in the PDF format ** Orders PDF (single file) - exports order documents in a single PDF file ** Invoices PDF - exports invoice documents in the PDF format ** Credit Notes PDF - exports credit note documents in the PDF format ** Pohoda - XML order list (a default system template for Pohoda orders will be used) ** Zásilkovna - Excel order list

Orders Selection

Here you have to select the range of exported orders

  • Only new - If you are performing this regularly, use this option. Only the currently un-exported orders will be exported.

  • Only selected in grid - Use this if you have selected some orders manually in the grid (to have to do this before you click the Export button in the toolbar). Remember that you can select more orders by holding the mouse button and the Shift or Ctrl key.

  • Only displayed in grid - Export range will be determined by the orders displayed in the grid (all orders from the grid will be exported).

  • All according to filters - The columns in the grid can be used to filter orders. If you have filtered it, use this option to export only the filtering results.

  • All - All orders from the Orders application will be exported.

  • Custom - This option displays a Custom Configuration setting which allows you to define your own range according to date, delivery method, payment gateway, order state or dispatch state.

Automatic Export

In case of particular delivery services (currently only for Zásilkovna) you can create an automatic export of information about the orders to this service.

To make this work, you have to go to the Administration and run the Delivery Services application. Here create or edit the Zásilkovna delivery service. On the first General tab there are the Automatic Consignment settings. Turn them on and select the trigger for sending below:

Consignment Events:

  • Order Created - Order is automatically sent to the service immediately after it is placed on your online store. The payment state is not reflected.

  • Products Dispatched - Order is automatically sent to the service immediately after it is marked as dispatched.

On the last Delivery Service Settings tab you have to insert the API password used to communicate with the service (it is provided by the service itself). For testing (preview) you can insert the API password for testing.

Download Documents

In case you want to download multiple invoices, credit notes or proforma invoices at once, you can perform this action in other Sales Accounting addon applications: Invoices, Credit Notes and Proforma Invoices. Run it and select multiple records using the Windows ctrl key and the left mouse button.

Filter and Display Orders

You can easily filter and display only those orders that are relevant to you.

There are 2 ways how to filter the orders:

  • You can click the little arrow that appears when you place the cursor on the name of a particular column. Use the filters option and select/type which will be filtered. Remember that not all columns are displayed by default.

  • The Select view. In the Select view predefined group of filters are available. Thanks to that only finished orders, canceled orders, orders waiting for delivery or orders waiting for payment will be displayed. You are also able to create your own view. Apply all of the filters you want and click the little green plus button located in the toolbar. Name this view and it will be saved and available for the future filtering. You are not able to change this view, but you can delete it and re-create it.

Send E-mails to Customers

Basically, there are 2 main types of e-mails that are sent to customers:

  • Order Confirmation E-mail that is sent automatically after a customer places the order. Remember that this depends on the e-shop settings. In case you did not set up the sending of this e-mail, nothing will be send to the customer. You can also restrict the sending of this e-mail only for particular payment types – typically you don’t need to send this e-mail for Credit Card payments – the Purchase Confirmation E-mail is totally sufficient. You are also able to define different e-mail content for different payment types.

  • Purchase Confirmation E-mail that is sent automatically after the order has been marked as paid. Remember that this depends on the e-shop settings. In case you did not set up the sending of this e-mail, nothing will be send to the customer. This e-mail can contain direct link to order detail (on your website) where can be displayed URL addresses for downloading of non-physical products from customers order.

You can encounter a situation when you will need to re-send this e-mail. It is simple. Go to the detail of a particular order and click the Send E-mail button located in the toolbar. A new window appears.

These main types should be defined for proper function of your online store but there are another e-mails you can send to your customers. Price Offer E-mail, Follow Up E-mail or Payment Reminder E-mail. In case you want to send one of these, you need to define its template first and add it to the E-shop Settings. After that you will be able to send this type of e-mail.

E-mails can be divided as follows. Every e-mail can be send manually, but there are e-mails, that can BizBoz send automatically (as a reaction to some action, such as a creation of a new order).

Automatically Sent E-mails

Every e-mail you want to sent automatically has to be set up in the E-shop Settings first. We assume that you have already created required tempates in the Tools and Settings. For more info about how to create a template please follow related topics.

In the E-shop Settings are these e-mails added on the E-mails tab (together with information about the sender, e-mail subject and its copies). There is a Send Automatically setting. It is turned on as a default and the added e-mail will be send automatically when a particular action occurs. If you turn it off, this e-mail has to be sent manually from a particular order detail.


For manually created orders you have to send all e-mails manually!

List of e-mails that can be sent automatically

  • Follow Up

  • Order Confirmation

  • Purchase Confirmation

Manually Sent E-mails

In BizBox, every e-mail can be sent manually from a particular order detail. Some types can be send automatically (automatic sending in the E-shop Settings). But there are some e-mails that has to be send manually (you are unable to set up its automatic sending). The reason is there is no triger (action) which will send it.


For manually created orders you have to send all e-mails manually!

List of e-mails that must be sent manually

  • Offer

  • Payment Reminder

  • Price Offer

How to sent e-mail manually

  1. E-mails are sent manually in a detail of a particular Order. In the toolbar is located Send E-mail button. Click it and a new window appears.

  2. The E-mail Type field defines what e-mail will be sent. Only templates defined for a particular E-shop Settings are available. If you need to send another template, select the “Select E-mail Template” option and specify it in the “Select Template” field. Remember that this template must be assigned to a particular E-shop Settings that are used for the edited Order.

  3. In the Content part is available code of the selected template. A HTML or WYSIWYG editor can be displayed according to the preferences you have set in the My BizBox module. Feel free to modify this e-mail as you need to (remember you are not editing the template but only single e-mail that will be sent within this window). In case you want to define your own or select a specific template, use the Select Email Template option.

  4. Attachments part allows you to add an attachment. In case the e-mail type selected above has an attachment (an e-shop document such as invoice), it will appear here. You can see its preview and are also able to remove it. If you want to assign another attachment, click the Attach Files button and select required files directly from your computer. You can add up to 5 attachments per one e-mail.

  5. Click the Send E-mail button and the mail will be send to the customer. The successful sending can be seen on the Log tab (in the order detail).

Display and download Invoice, Credit Note or Proforma Invoice

You can display, download all and print the documents generated for a particular order. Go to the order detail and display the Documents tab. All the documents generated for this order are available here. Select the desired one and click the View or Download button.

The documents are created automatically according to the settings defined in the particular E-shop Settings - here, you define Documents and payment methods for which the documents will be generated. You are not able to create any of these documents manually.


For manually created orders you have to generate all documents manually!

Invoice is automatically created after an order is marked as paid or, in case of Cash of Delivery or Cash payment types, after it is placed. You can set up particular payment methods for which Invoices will be generated in the E-shop Settings. Proforma Invoice is automatically created after an order is placed - in case your customer is using an advance payment (usually a bank transfer). You are able to define for which payment method a Proforma Invoice will be generated in the E-shop Settings. Credit Note is automatically created after the refund of an order.

To change the information stated on these documents, you need to perform following actions:

  • Invoice – in case the order is in the ‘Prepared’ state, you are able to change information about the customer and also the ordered products and services. Edit the order and regenerate the Invoice (the Regenerate button is available on the Documents tab). A new Invoice will be generated. Don’t forget to send this new invoice to the customer!

  • Proforma Invoice – it is basically the same as the Invoice. You can change the information in case the order is in the ‘Prepared’ state. Regenerate and send it to the customer.

  • Credit Note – Credit Note can be changed only with another refund. After a new refund is saved a credit note is regenerated.


Remember that you have to assign particular templates (Invoice, Credit Note and Proforma Invoice) to the E-shop Settings and connect a Document Sequence to it. Otherwise you will not be able to generate any e-shop documents.

Manually Created Orders

No documents are created automatically for manually created orders. You have to go to a particular order detail and add them manually using the Add button located on the Documents tab.

Order Tags

You can tag your orders to make the work with them more comfortable and transparent. Every tag has assigned a color which is used to distinguish tagged orders in the orders list. Tags are also displayed in the order detail. In Orders application are tags displayed in a separate Tags column (as a particular colors; tag name can be displayed by locating your mouse over the color).

To use this feature, you need to create some tags first.

  1. Run the Orders application (Sales module).

  2. Click the Tags button located in the toolbar. A new window will appear. Click the Tag Manager button.

  3. A new window will appear. Click the Add button and fill in all required fields:

    • Name (required) - the name of your tag. It will be displayed in the order detail and used for filtering.

    • Description (optional) - short information about the tag and its usage.

    • Color (required) - the color of the tag. It will be displayed in the order detail and in the orders list.

  4. Click the Add button. Create another tags according to your needs and close the Tag Manager.

  5. Now display the Tags column in the Order application. This column allows you to filter orders according to assigned tags.


All created tags are available immediately, they are not a part of a project (you don’t need to approve anything). Tags are shared in your account (you cannot have your own, all tags are available globally to all BizBox admin users).

Assign Tags to an Order

  1. To assign a tag to an order, select it in the orders list (Orders application). Click the Tags button.

  2. A new window will appear and you can select tags from the left side to the right one. Selected tags will be added or removed from the order (according to the button you will use).

  3. In the order detail on the General tab are displayed all assigned tags. You can click the Edit Tags button and change them.


You can select more orders at once and edit tags for all of them.

Order Costs

Click the Costs button in an order detail to display its costs (product, payment, delivery, packing and handling).

To make this feature work you have to set costs for particular order components:

  • Product - define its purchase costs in the product’s detail on the first tab

  • Payment - define its costs in a pricelist on the particular tab (costs)

  • Delivery - define its costs in a pricelist on the particular tab (costs)

  • Handling - define its costs in a pricelist on the particular tab (costs)

  • Packing - define its costs in a pricelist on the particular tab (costs)

Subscription Orders

To work with subscription orders you need to have the Order Subscription addon allowed on your account.

This addon allows you to create subscription orders. The subscription period is defined on particular product on the Advanced tab. Here the Period setting is available.

If an order contains a product with the period setting, it will be automatically marked as a parent order. From this order will be next subscription order automatically created according to the period settings of a product it contains (the subscription order itself will be created 3 days earlier). Subscription order’s source is Subscription.

Subscription orders can be cancelled using the Cancel Subscription button in the toolbar.

Subscription Start Date

For subscription products a subscription start date can be defined directly on the website using the /_api/cart/add (field startDate). This date can be defined/edited in an order editing on particular product detail.

A customer defines from when the subscription will start. The first order will be paid and all next orders will be generated according to the start date (and product’s subscription period).

If there is more subscription products on the first order, more next orders can be derived from it according to particular products’ start dates and subscription periods.

Extending Subscription

If you have a subscription order and need to extend its validity, simply edit the order and set the promo period directly on the product for a given number of days. The promo period is a matter of a specific order only and is not transferred to a subsequent order when the subscription is extended.