
Shipments is an application located in the Sales module. It serves as the delivery (shipment) management for particular orders that need to be manually resolved (packed and dispatched to the carrier) by you. A carrier is usually a post or courier; it is the delivery service and method selected by the customer in the order checkout. For every order placed in the Orders application its shipment record(s) can be created. It defines information about the package (or packages) in which are the products from the order delivered to the customer. You can add as many packages as you need together with their tracking numbers.

In Shipments you can manage all shipments that should be processed manually (packed and dispatched) by you. You will define products it contains, add a tracking number (taken from the carrier) and change its state (waiting, packing, packed, dispatched). This state change will automatically affect the current dispatch state of the connected order. If you work with stocks and stock issues, a connected issue will be a part of the shipment detail.


An order can have more shipments and one shipment can have more packages.

Shipments is not a part of your account automatically. Shipments is realized as an addon and if you want to make use of it, please contact us by using our ticket system.

Create a new Shipment

A Shipment record can be created manually and automatically:

  • Manually is created by you in the Shipments application by clicking the new button.

  • Automatically is created from the Order application by clicking the Send to Stock button in the toolbar of a particular order. Automatically created shipments have the number of packages set to 1 as default. You can change it in its detail by clicking the Edit button in the toolbar.

Manual Shipment

  1. Run the Shipments application located in the Sales module.

  2. Click the New button to add a new record.

  3. Fill in all required fields:

    • Order - Search for an order for which you want to create a shipment. For more info see related help-site.

    • Stock Issue - If there is a connection to issue for this order, it will be automatically filled in the field below.

    • Shipment State - Select the starting state of this shipment. You will be able to change it in its detail later.

    • Number of Packages - Insert the count of packages within which are the products from the order shipped to the customer.

    • Weight - Optionally insert the weight of the shipment, that will be sent to the carrier. The weight entered here is used in priority to the sum of the weights of the individual products from the order.

    • Expedition Date - Optionally insert a date when the order has been shipped to the customer. If you have not sent this order yet, leave this field blank. You can insert this date later.

    • Add All Products - Option yes (set as default) will copy all products from the order to this shipment (you will be still able to edit them on the Products tab in the shipment detail). Option no creates a blank shipment (without any products) and you will have to add them manually.

  4. Click the Add button, the shipment record will be created and you will be able to work with it.

Work with Shipment

If the record for a particular order exists in the Shipments application, you can work with it. The main purpose of this application is the evidence of the shipment and its state. The state of the shipment will automatically change the Dispatch State of the connected order.

When a new shipment is created, it is in the waiting state as a default (but you can select another state when creating a shipment manually or during its editing). In its detail buttons are used to change the state to:

You should change the state of both the packing and dispatching the order. This state change will affect the state of the order dispatch (it can be seen in the Orders application in the Dispatch State column).

After clicking the dispatch button Ready to Pick Up or Shipment Handed Over to Carrier emails are sent (if automatic sending is set in the E-shop Settings). A new window appears. It allows you to send the customer Ready to Pick Up or Shipment Handed Over to Carrier e-mails (if manual sending is set in the E-shop Settings).

Remember that you have to add these e-mail types to the E-shop Settings first. You can always send these e-mails directly from a particular order detail by clicking the Send E-mail button in the order toolbar.

Shipments (both manually and automatically created) can be edited. Click the Edit button (in the application or in a particular Shipment detail) and change its state, number of packages, weight or expedition date.


If you cancel a dispatched shipment, its issue will be automatically cancelled (all products will be returned to the stock).


Related Shipments button allows you to display all shipments connected to the selected one by the same partner, company or customer.

Shipment Tags

You can tag your shipments to make the work with them more comfortable and transparent. Every tag has assigned a color which is used to distinguish tagged orders in the orders list. Tags are also displayed in the shipment detail. In the Shipments application tags are displayed in a separate Tags column (as a particular colors; tag name can be displayed by locating your mouse over the color).

To use this feature, you need to create some tags first.

  1. Run the Shipments application (Sales module).

  2. Mark a shipment and click the Tags button located in the toolbar. A new window will appear. Click the Tag Manager button.

  3. A new window will appear. Click the Add button and fill in all required fields:

    • Name (required) - the name of your tag. It will be displayed in the shipment detail and used for filtering.

    • Internal Name (required) - the unique internal name of the tag.

    • Description (optional) - short information about the tag and its usage.

    • Color (required) - the color of the tag. It will be displayed in the shipment detail and in the shipments list.

  4. Click the Add button. Create another tags according to your needs and close the Tag Manager.

  5. Now display the Tags column in the Shipment application. This column allows you to filter shipments according to assigned tags.


All created tags are available immediately, they are not a part of a project (you don’t need to approve anything). Tags are shared in your account (you cannot have your own, all tags are available globally to all BizBox admin users).

Assign Tags to a Shipment

  1. To assign a tag to a shipment, select it in the shipments list (Shipments application). Click the Tags button.

  2. A new window will appear and you can select tags from the left side to the right one. Selected tags will be added or removed from the shipment (according to the button you will use).

  3. In the shipment detail on the General tab are displayed all assigned tags. You can click the Edit Tags button and change them.


You can select more orders at once and edit tags for all of them.

Order and Shipments Synchronization

Sometimes you need to make some changes to an order after you have sent it to the stock (its shipment has been created), such as a product quantity change or an addition or removal of other products.

These order changes will be automatically applied to the shipment in case the shipment is still in the waiting state.

If the shipment is in one of these states: dispatched, delivered, returned or cancelled, you will be informed that the automatic synchronization of the shipment is available, but there is a chance that the shipment is already closed. In practice it means that the shipment will be synchronized, but it has been already packed/dispatched by the stock operator. Which means that in reality the shipment remains the same (old data) and in BizBox it will be current. If this occurs (shipment state is dispatched, delivered, returned or cancelled), you should always discuss the synchronization with the stock operator.

The synchronization can be also processed by clicking the Send to Stock button in the toolbar.


A shipment which contains more packages cannot be updated automatically (regardless of its state). These shipments have to be updated manually.

Communication with Service

Shipments application can be connected with an external carrier service that is responsible for package delivery. In the Delivery Services application (Administration module) select the particular delivery service you want to communicate with (send information about the shipments that will be sent to the customer using this service) and in its editing on the Delivery Service Settings tab fill in the information used to establish the online communication between BizBox and the service. When you are done, BizBox will be able to send information about shipments to the service.

The communication with the service is currently available for DPD, Zásilkovna, JAPO, GLS and Balíkobot.

In the Shipments application these buttons used to communicate with a particular carrier service are available:

  • Send to Service - data about a particular shipment (or shipment in case you will select more records at once) will be sent to the service. You can use this button to update shipment’s data in the service.

  • Update in Service - use in case you have already sent the shipment to the service and then made some changes to it later. Thanks to this button, the subsequent changes will be transferred to the service.

  • Print Labels - print package labels provided by the service and stick them on the packages. If the carrier allows it (for example, Zásilkovna), it is possible to print labels for the carrier directly using the small arrow on the button.

  • Shipment Batch - create and close a shipment batch from all the shipments which have been sent to the service and which you want to hand it over to it. Click it and a new window will appear. Select a particular service and shipments, which will be a part of the batch (only shipment with appropriate delivery service will be used) and click the continue button. Now you can see all shipment that will be a part of the batch (that will be handed over to the carrier). If everything seems OK, click the Close Batch button. A PDF document with all shipments will be downloaded and saved to your computer. Print it and hand it over to the carrier. The Reprint Batch can be used in case you need to print the generated PDF again.

  • Delete from Service - a shipment, which has been sent to service, can be deleted clicking this button.


Only the shipments that have been sent to the service, have the label printed and are not a part of another batch can be arranged in the batch.


If you delete a shipment that has been already sent to service, it will be deleted from the service too. The records have to be deleted together; in case an error with deleting occurs (in BizBox or in the service), no shipment will be deleted.

Columns in the Shipments Application

In the Shipments application, various columns are available. You can display/hide them according to your needs. Apart from the ‘standard’ columns (shipment number, order number, invoice, first and last name of the customer, first tracking number) there are columns referring to the current shipment state: Sent to Service, Label Printed and In Batch. These information are taken directly from the web service according to the selected connection service (in a particular Delivery Service detail).

Export Shipments

You can export your shipments using the Export button in the toolbar. Click it and select the export type:

System exports

  • Orders PDF - exports order documents in the PDF format

  • Orders PDF (single file) - exports order documents in a single PDF file

  • Invoices PDF - exports invoice documents in the PDF format

  • Credit Notes PDF - exports credit note documents in the PDF format

Custom export - this is a previously created export template. Without this template you are unable to export shipments data.

  1. Go to the Administration module and run the Shipments application.

  2. Add a new export and fill in all required fields:
    • Name - The name that will be used to select this export type in the Shipments application.

    • Internal Name - System name that has to be unique within the Exports application.

    • Description (optional) - Internal information (comment) about this export.

    • Export Type - Select which records will be exported - Shipments.

    • Processing Method - Select which shipments will be exported (dispatched or without restrictions).

    • Template - Select template that will be used for this export. The template has to be created in the editor first; click the green plus button and create a new template according to yout needs. For more info about the shipments export template please visit related help-page.

    • File Type - Select in which file type will your shipments exported.

    • Single Document - Option YES exports all shipments data in one document.

    • Filename Prefix (optional) - Insert a prefix that will be inserted into the name of a created (exported) file.

    • Language - Select in which language will be the export created.

    • Locale - Select the locale of the export.

  3. Save your export and approve your project.

Shipment Detail

General tab

On the General tab all details of the shipment record are displayed.

Trackings tab

The Trackings tab contains all tracking numbers you have assigned to this shipment. All numbers have to been added manually and are provided with a particular delivery service which is responsible for the delivery of the shipment packages. You can fill in the tracking URL of the order in the Tracking URL field. If specified, it will be used in preference to the system-generated for the given carrier (if available).


If you use Zásilkovna, orders’ tracing numbers will be automatically synchronized to BizBox from the connected Zásilkovna account.

Products tab

On the Products tab all products that are currently added on the shipment are displayed. You can see its image, code, name, EAN, bought quantity, stock info (reservations, availability) and state of dispatch.

You can add or remove them according to your needs. You don’t have to ship all products from an order together. You can ship only a part of them and the rest can be sent later, in a new (manually created) shipment. This situation can occur if only a part of the order is on stock and the rest of it will be delivered to your stock later. In such a case you can send the first part first (one shipment) and the rest later, after you will receive it on your stock (second shipment).

  1. Click the Add button in the Products tab toolbar

  2. Select a particular product. Only products from the origin order can be selected and added.

  3. Insert its quantity (how many units of the selected product will be shipped in this shipment)

  4. Click the Add button and the product will be a part of this order

  5. Add all products that are a part of this shipment.

Documents tab

The Documents tab allows you to display all currently existing order documents connected with this shipment. You cannot create or regenerate them here, only the currently available documents are displayed.

You can display and/or download them by using the buttons in the toolbar.


Related Shipments button allows you to display all shipments connected to the selected one by the same partner, company or customer.