Order Management Overview

The Order Management applications set allows you to manage all orders from your Websites (online store) and other sources. Here you can download and re-render Invoices, Proforma Invoices or Credit Notes, resend order E-mails, change the State of the Order and manage generated Invoices, Proforma Invoices and Credit Notes.

Orders application

The Orders application serves as a complete management for all orders from your Websites (online store) and other sources. Here you can see all realized orders, their Order Number, PO Number, used Payment Gateway, Order ID, Customer, Order State, Order Amount and Tax Amount. These columns can be used for sorting, filtering or searching your orders.

You can also download (export) the Order in a Pohoda XML or ISDOC file format. Remember that you can set the data for the accounting software that you want to include in invoices in the Administration module in the E-shop application.

Subscriptions application

The application is only available for accounts with the Order Subscription addon enabled.

The application displays existing subscriptions along with basic information and the option to cancel the subscription.

In the subscription detail it is possible to display all orders of the given customer.

Cash Register Orders application

In this application cash register orders are created - you can easily sell in (retail) store. It is used for selling in person.

Orders are created manually in the application; for accounting purposes the sales receipt document is generated.

For detailed info please see the Cash Register Orders application help-site.

Invoices application

The Invoices application contains all Invoices generated by the system. You can specify the date, so only Invoices from a particular period will be shown. This application is not available for all accounts. It has to be added with the Accounting addon. If you are interested in this application, please contact our support.

In this application you can:

  • Export all data from the grid

  • Print all data from the grid

  • Mark particular document as checked/unchecked

  • Display particular document

  • Download it as PDF or use predefined export template

For more info about inovices please visit related help-page.

Proforma Invoices application

The Proforma Invoices application contains all Proforma Invoices generated by the system. You can specify the date, so only Proforma Invoices from a particular period will be shown. This application is not available for all accounts. It has to be added with the Accounting addon. If you are interested in this application, please contact our support.

In this application you can:

  • Export all data from the grid

  • Print all data from the grid

  • Mark particular document as checked/unchecked

  • Display particular document

  • Download it as PDF or use predefined export template

Credit Notes application

The Credit Notes application displays all generated Credit Notes. You can specify the time period and display only Credit Notes from that period. This application is not available for all accounts. It has to be added with the Accounting addon. If you are interested in this application, please contact our support.

In this application you can:

  • Export all data from the grid

  • Print all data from the grid

  • Mark particular document as checked/unchecked

  • Display particular document

  • Download it as PDF or use predefined export template

  • Delete existing credit note (use the Delete Credit Note button in the toolbar). Deleting a credit note is irreversible and it will not be possible to recover it.

Refunded Payments application

The Refunded Payments application allows you to manage the payments of orders you refunded in the details of a particular Order. In case you finished the refundation (you have returned the money to the customer), you need to mark the Order as processed in this application (the payment state of a particular order will be changed to refunded).

In this application you can add a new refund which will be automatically displayed also in the order detail in the payments tab.

Supplier Orders

The Supplier Orders application allows you to work with supplier orders. This application in only available for accounts with the Supplier Orders addon.

Shipments application

The Shipments application is used to manage the delivery of orders that contain physical products. A shipment and all packages it consists of can be created for such an order.

Abandoned Carts application

The Abandoned Carts application is an application in which information about particular carts are automatically stored and displayed. These orders were never completed (orders have not been placed). This is a powerful marketing and testing tool that can help you boost your sales and make your customers much happier.

Withdrawals application

The Withdrawals in an application used for evidence of a particular cancelation of orders from your online store.

Claims application

The Claims application is used to manage the claims from your online store. It is used only for your own evidence.

Reports in the Sales Module

The Report Summary application displays the summary of particular uploaded Transaction Reports in an overview.

Transaction Reports application

The Transaction Reports allows you to upload transaction reports from particular Payment Gateways that you use (that your customers use for their payments) on your online store. A transaction report contains information about received payments from your customers and these payments are automatically or manually matched with orders. Thanks to that you can see what orders was already paid and so you can perform another action (such as shipping of products that your customer bought and paid).

Supported formats are: ABO, Creditas JSON, FIO JSON, MT940, PayPal CSV, Sofort CSV and ČSOB XML.

This is very important for Bank Transfers, because payments through banks transfers are not automatically matched with an order after the payment is proceeded (unlike the online payments that are matched with an order automatically. But you still can upload transaction reports for online payments as well).

At first you need to get the transaction report file from the particular Payment Gateway. Then you need to upload this file in your BizBox account. Go to the Sales module and run the Transaction Reports application. Here click the New button and fill in all required fields: Name (serves only for your own purposes and is never visible to customers), Payment Gateway (select the Payment Gateway for which you will upload the transaction report file), Transaction Report (click the Browse button and select the transaction report file from your computer). You can also add a short description for this record. Click the Add button and the transaction report will be added to BizBox.

Uploaded Transaction Report is automatically divided to individual payments. You can double-click particular Transaction Report record and see all listed payments. Individual transactions from the transaction report are automatically matched with orders (thanks to variable symbols and other information from an order and transaction report). In case a transaction is automatically matched with an order, the order is automatically set as paid (and to customer is send an e-mail about payment of order). This is important especially for bank transfers, because they are not matched automatically after a customer makes a payment - you have to upload the Transaction Report (unlike online payments that are matched automatically and directly after the payment is done).

In case there are some unmatched transactions, you can pair them with orders manually. Select the particular unmatched transaction and click the match button. Use the search field (full text searching) to find the right order and match it together. You can also set if you want to change the state of the order automatically or manually.

In case you have matched or resolved all transactions successfully, you can set the whole transaction report as checked.

Matching payment with an order

After you upload a Transaction Report, individual records from it (reports) are automatically matched with orders in case they can be recognized as matching with constant symbols, variable symbols (unnecessary zeros in the variable symbol’s beginning will be automatically ignored) and other information from the individual report that matches these information in the report. In case a record is not recognized (for example when the variable symbol is missing), you can do it manually. You can search for the order and match it with a record.

In case the Amount from the report is lower than a total price of an order, the order is matched with this report but its state is not changed to paid until you match another report with which is the final sum paid equal to the price of the order. In case the Amount from the order is higher than the price of the order, the order state is automatically changed to paid. You can also unmatch reports and orders.

Checking and Unchecking records (or the whole Transaction Reports) serves only for your own purposes. It can make the work with reports more transparent and easier. In case you mark some record as Checked, nothing in the system (nothing functional) will be changed - the marked record will be only distinguished by the green mark, so you can see this record was already solved.

Cash Register Amounts

Cash Register Amounts application allows you to display your daily sales created through the Cash Register Orders application.

For every day when a cash register order has been placed a new row with the total amount of daily sales for both cash and credit cart payment methods is displayed. You can double-click particular record to display a detailed info about all orders from the selected day/payment method.

Bank Statements application

The Bank Statements application offers you another view on particular transactions from uploaded Transaction Reports. You can filter them by date (button in the right upper corner) and by particular columns.

This is a list of individual transactions and you can work with it in the same way as with particular translations displayed in the Transaction Reports application. You can see if they are automatically matched with an order, manage these matches and also match them manually.

Tax Reports application

The Tax Reports application displays taxes paid in individual Countries in a sheet form. This is only an overview and you can’t change it. You can only print or export these data in Excel, CSV, PDF or HTML file format.


The Events application can be used only in combination with the Event product type. If you do not sell at least one Event product type, this application is not meant for you.

Otherwise all Event product types are displayed here. Each one has its own record which displays basic information about the product (Code, Name, Product Group, Total Tickets, Sold Tickets, Available Tickets and Unit) together with sales stats. To see detailed info, select one of the records and click the Detail button located in the toolbar. A new tab will appear.

Basic info and information about participants is displayed on the first General tab.

  • Total Tickets defines the sum of tickets that has been received on a stock (to use this feature you have to use a Stock Service and receive this product in it).

  • Sold Tickets is the sum of tickets that have been ordered (both paid and unpaid).

  • Paid Tickets is the sum of tickets that are successfully sold (paid).

  • Available is current stock supply of this event.

On the Tickets tab, all customers who have ordered this event are listed together with the info about quantity, order state and number, order additional info, product additional info and date of creation. As a default, a filter on paid orders is applied. You can change it in the grid menu (select view and reset filters settings).

Some columns are not displayed as a default, you need to display them manually if needed (click on the little arrow on a column and select columns you want to display). To display the whole content of the Order and Product Additional Info columns just move the mouse over the particular cell.

Order States

All Orders made on your e-shop can acquire several states. Some of them are necessary to happen in order to finish the order properly, some are acquired only in special situations.

List of Order States


This is the first state of a newly (manually) created order.


Order’s checkout occurred and the process of order payment started on the selected payment gateway. Waiting state indicates waiting for the finish of a payment. This is the first state of a newly created order (from web).


Manual order state.

Cash on Delivery

Order in special state (the order was sent to the customer, but was not paid yet - used for the Cash on Delivery payment gateway).


Order in special state (the order was sent to the customer, but was not paid yet - used for the Invoice payment gateway).

Partly Paid

Order is partly paid (order is connected with transactions, that are lower than is the complete price of the order).


Order has been successfully paid through the selected payment gateway (the system received information about successful payment; Order is connected to a transaction with higher amount of money than is the price of the order; Administrator set order as paid manually in BizBox Admin).


Order has been refunded (including the money refund to a customer).


Order has been cancelled by the e-shop administrator or the customer did not take the order in case of the Cash on Delivery payment gateway.

Payment Canceled

Payment on the payment gateway has been canceled by the customer.

Payment Failed

The payment process ended on the payment gateway (payment gateway problem/error).

List of Order Dispatch States


This is the first state of a newly created order.


Used for orders for which has been a new shipment created.


This state is set up on the stock (Waiting button in the Shipments application).


This state is set up on the stock (Packing button in the Shipments application).


This state is set up on the stock (Packed button in the Shipments application).


This state is set up on the stock (Dispatched button in the Shipments application) - shipment has been handed over to a carrier.


This state is set up on the stock (Delivered button in the Shipments application) - shipment has been successfully delivered to the customer.


This state is set up on the stock (Cancel button in the Shipments application).


Manual state, used for shipments which have been returned by the customer.