Contacts Management


Contacts is an application located in the Sales module.

Contacts are used for individuals. A new contact is usually created along with the order of your website visitor (customer). Data inserted through the checkout form is displayed as a new contact to which the created order is also automatically connected. You can edit this created contact and add more information to it. In case the same contact (important is the e-mail address used during the checkout process) creates another order, this order will be added to it (a new contact won’t be created).

In the application, various columns are available:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Classification

  • City - city is taken from the business address. If there is no business address defined, the default shipping address is used instead. If there is no default shipping address, the first shipping address is used. If there are no shipping addresses at all, the first existing address is used.

  • Country - country is taken from the default billing address. If there is no default billing address defined, data from the first billing address are displayed. If there is no billing address at all, the first address is used instead.

  • E-mail

  • Telephone

  • Company - the contact company

  • Partner - the partner to which the contact belongs

  • Partner Tier - the partner tier to which the contact belongs

  • Contact Group - the contact group to which the contact belongs

  • Active Account - defines if the contact has had its account created

  • Registered - the date and time of the account creation (when the contact has been registered)

  • Registration Source - defines the source of the registration

  • Last Active - Date and time of the contact’s last activity (updated at login, logout and every 10 minutes when browsing the web)

  • Price Level - the price level to which has been the contact added

  • Is Verified - determines whether the contact is verified (true/false).

  • Verification Time - system information for the time of the last change of the verification flag (if it does not already have this date, it will be overwritten with the first change of any verification field).

  • Verifier - system information; the user who made the change.

  • Verification Type - type of the verification (taken from the vetification settings).

  • Verification Note - a note entered by the admin for verification

  • Has Verification Document – flag true / false whether the contact has a verification document uploaded to it.

  • Created - contact creation date.

  • Changed - date the contact was last modified.

  • Actions - contains action button which allows you to work with the contact (such as edition, super login or deletion)

Columns can be used to filter particular records. You will be able to hide/display columns and change their order according to your needs. Remember that not all columns are displayed by default.

To use the Super Login, click the setting button (Actions column) on the right side (remember that you must have this setting allowed in your user account).


If a contact is logged in, his/her identity (information defined in BizBox - name, e-mail address, permissions, parner info and partner tier) is updated every 10 minutes. If you will deactivate his/her account, he/she will be immediately logged off.

Contacts Toolbar

In addition to the buttons for the record here it is:

  • Tags - allows you to add tags to the contact. Learn more about the tags below.

  • Create Account - creates contact’s user account.

  • Change Password - allows you to set the password for the user (this button is available only for contacts with user account).

  • Send Account Info - sends an email with account information - Account Info.

  • Reset Password Info - sends an email with reset password info (will allow the user to set the password) - Reset Password E-mail.

  • Activate - activates the user account.

  • Deactivate - deactivates the user account.

  • Verify – allows you to verify (authenticate) users according to the uploaded document.

  • Export - exports the data about contact according to the selected Export Type and Template.

  • User Info - a part of the GDPR; displays the currently stored user data (you can export and save them to your computer in the .txt format).

Contact Verification

During registration (or when editig their user account), the user can upload a verification file (such as an identity card) on the website, which is used to identify them (for example, when selling products intended for those over 18 years of age). In the administration, you can then check the file and mark the customer as verified. Such verification can then be linked to the purchase on the website (an unverified customer cannot complete the order).

It is also possible to create different types of verification in the administration (for example, “ID card”, “passport”, or anything else that suits your project).

For proper function, it is necessary to modify the widget for registration (or partner registration) or for editig the user profile) so that the user can upload the file.

Create a New Contact

Every manually added contact needs to have First and Last Name filled in. Honorific, Company and Contact Group are optional. Information about how to get in touch with the contact are located on two tabs Contact Channels and Contact Addresses.

General Tab

On the general tab are base information about the contact available - honorific (optional), first (required), last name (reguired), comment (optional) and external ID (optional; used to define this contact in an external service).

The Classification field allows you to rate this contact. Use the Manager in a contact’s detail to create your own customer classification - you can insert its name, color and icon. In a contact’s detail can be a previously created classification you want to assign to this customer selected and saved the customer’s profile. You can always clear inserted rating by selecting the none value. If the rating is selected, particular icon will be displayed in his/her orders’ detail next to the customer’s name. The classification can be also changed directly when the order is cancelled or refunded (the rate selection is a part of the cancelling or refunding dialog).

Individual contacts can be sorted in Contact Groups and also connected to Companies in case they belong to any. Groups are intended to group your contacts (Contacts and/or Companies) together. You can typically group contacts according to their origins (a marketing Campaign for example) or features that are characteristic for them. Groups are used in the Customer Groups application located in the Reports application. In case some Contacts are working in the same company, you should use the Company contact type to connect them.

Language – this field is automatically filled in according to the language of the website through which the contact was created (thanks to registration or order). You can edit the fields as you like. If you work with e-mailing tools, this field is automatically synchronized with Ecomail and MailChimp (LANGUAGE).


To the contact a tag (or multiple tags) can be added. To create a new tag for contacts, click the Tag button in the toolbar. A new window will appear. It allows you to:

  • Add particular tags to all contacts connected to the company of the selected contact.

  • Add particular tags to all contacts connected to the partner of the selected contact.

  • Display the Tag Manager in which tags are created and managed (to a tag a Name, Internal Name, Description and Color can be defined).

Contacts’ tags are internal. They are not displayed to customers.

Tags can be also managed directly from the Contacts application. To add tags for more contacts at once, use the Bulk Actions button located in the toolbar. If you are going to work with contacts’ tags, add a column Tags to the Contacts application. It allows you to filter contacts according to assigned tags.

Discounts settings are used to allow the customer to use a special discount, that will be applied only for him/her:

  • Parter Tier - this can be used only if you are working with partners addon on your account. Here a partner tier to which this contact should belong can be selected (you don’t need to create a partner/company).

  • Price Level - here can be a previously created price level selected. Price level is a type of a discount which creates a percentage discount on customer’s orders. If the contact is a partner, the price level selected here will be ignored and only the prices according to the partner tier will be used.

  • Assign Partner Tier Automatically - this setting is available only in combination with the Purchase Volume Discounts. If you set this option to NO, this contact won’t be affected with the purchase volume discount (the partner tier won’t be automatically changed according to customer’s orders). Option YES will change the partner tier automatically according to the purchase volume discount settings.

Contact Channels

The Contact Channels tab allows you to add several communication channels: E-mail address, ICQ, Jabber, Skype or Telephone (one of them can be marked as default).

Contact Addresses

The Contact Addresses tab serves for adding addresses to this contact. For each contact as many addresses as you or the contact needs can be added. There are 4 ways how to add a new address:

  1. You can add it manually in the BizBox Admin in the Contacts application in a particular user detail. Here, click the Add button and fill in all required fields. The Type field defines how the address will be used by the customer in the checkout process. You can select that the address will be used for shipping, billing or both. This is used only for evidence; work with particular address types has to be defined (coded) in the checkout/user profile.

  2. The customer can manage his/her addresses in the user portal on your website. To make this work, you have to use particular forms (Save Address and Save Profile) and modify the checkout process to allow customers to use the addresses according to its type (to distinguish the billing and shipping addresses).

  3. The customer can save his/her address directly in the checkout. You can add a checkbox which allow your customers to save the address (billing and/or shipping) provided in the checkout. If there is no default address in their account, it will be automatically saved as default address. To make this feature work, you have to use the saveAddress, saveAddressPresent, shippingSaveAddress and shippingSaveAddresPresent form fields in the checkout.

  4. You can import contact’s address.

One address can be set as a default for billing and one can be set as a default for shipping per one contact account only. For every existing address, whether it will be used as a default for billing or shipping address (this settings can be subsequently used on the website in the checkout) can be set an external ID (it defines the address in an external service). One address can be set as a default for billing and one can be set as a default for shipping per one contact account only. For every existing address, whether it will be used as a default for billing or shipping address (this settings can be subsequently used on the website in the checkout) can be set an external ID (it defines the address in an external service).


After an order is placed by a non-registered user, the provided address is saved to this contact as well.


Contacts addresses can be selected in the Orders application when creating a new order.

Contact Orders

The Contact Orders tab automatically displays the orders made by this contact. In case you want to work with these orders, click its number in the Order Number column. You will be redirected the Orders application also located in the Sales module.

User Account

A new contact in the Sales module is automatically created along with an order or with the user’s registration. It means, that every website visitor who registers or places an order will appear here.

There is a little difference in the available data and actions for these two types of contacts.

A contact who has been created with an order placement is not connected to a user account. The contact (customer in this case) is not able to log in (and use all the features from the user portal in general) and, as you can see in the Sales module in the Contacts application, the User Account tab is unavailable the same as the buttons in the toolbar containing user’s actions. The only available button is the Create Account which allows you to create a user account, set up the password and send the account info to the customer. Thanks to that the user is able to use the user portal on your online store.

A contact who has been created with the user registration has available the User Account tab. It serves for setting up the user’s login and permissions. You are also able to use the buttons in the toolbar - change the password (don’t forget to let the user know you changed it), send account info or sending an e-mail for changing passwords.

On this tab, if the user has registered via Facebook, information about the registration origin is displayed.

Loyalty Programs

The Loyalty Programs tab displays information about all the loyalty programs in which this contact participates. You are able to add another existing loyalty program or, by clicking on the small edit icon, you can change the current amount of points for this contact and also see the history of points earnings and spending.

You can also access the editing of the loyalty program by double-clicking on the loyalty program. Here you can manually add (or remove) loyalty points - type, particular order, number of points, date from which the points can be applied, validity and also the type of bonus (if you select custom, you can choose a specific bonus in the Custom Bonus field you create in the bonus manager).


Deals allows to a assign a deal for the contact. A deal is a promise that will be fulfilled on the next order - it will be displayed in the contact’s next order detail.

To add a new deal, please fill in following fields. Deals are internal and are not diplayed to customers:

  • Name - name of the deal.

  • Internal Name - system name of this deal.

  • Deal Recurrence Type - select if the deal will be repeated (used on all following orders) or used only once.

  • Description - fill in the deal itself.

  • Active - set the activity of the deal; only active deals can be applied to orders.

  • Valid From/Valid Until - optinally insert the action range.

If you set up a new deal, it will be applied in the next order of the contact (according to the activity settings). You can see the applied deal in particular order detail on the General tab. Deals can be set to a company or partner too. The number of deals assigned to a single contact or order is not limited.

Custom Properties

On this tab, custom properties for particular contact can be defined.

Click the Custom Property Manager button to create custom properties you want to track for your contacts. In the Custom Property Manager click the Add button and fill in the Name (it can be displayed on the website according to your project settings and needs) and Internal Name (it will be used in the website code to gather particular information). Comment is internal and can be subsequently shown as a hint when you move the mouse over the custom property name.

In the Type field select the type of a custom property you want to add:

  • Boolean inserts a flag with YES/NO option.

  • Date inserts field for a date.

  • Date-time inserts a field for a date and time.

  • Long Text inserts a text field in which up to 2 000 characters can be inserted.

  • Number allows to insert a number.

  • Product inserts a field which allows you to search for an existing product from your product catalog.

  • Text inserts a text field and you can type your own text string in it.

  • Text Content inserts a select box which allows you to select an existing Text Content from the Contents application located in the Author Tools.

Default Value field is optional and allows you to define the value that will be preselected in this field for particular items as a default.


You have to approve the project with created custom properties to be able to define them for your contacts.

Values can be added directly in the Contacts application or gathered through the registration or save profile forms.

Consents Overview

This tab shows all the user’s consents.

You need to define individual consents in the Consents application and then edit the site so that the user can agree and manage them.


Notes tab serves only for your own notes. If you want to add a note, do it on this tab. The inserted note is never visible to customers, it is only for your own purposes.


On this tab the log (changes) of this contact are available.

How to Add or Edit a Contact

New Contact is usually created automatically along with a new order, from data gathered through the checkout form. In case you want to add a new contact manually, you have to click the New button. You can also edit an existing contact by click on the Edit button.

See the documentation for particular tabs (above) and set up the new contact.

Export Contacts

Contacts can be exported directly from the Contacts application using the Export button located in the toolbar. A new window will appear. Select the Export Type (see below): Custom Export or System Export. You can select contacts for export (selected in data view only, displayed in data view only, only new, all according to applied filters, all or custom). Click the Export button and you export will be prepared. After that you can save it to your computer.

System Export export template is defined by the system:

  • Contats Channels - MailChimp - export template that can be used to import your contacts to MailChimp. Please see the List Fields section in the Newsletters section.

Custom Export - to make this feature work, you need to define the export settings in the Exports application located in the Administration module. Add a new export for Contacts (Export Type field) and select a template which will be used to export your contacts. Template can be created directly in the export setting using the green plus button next to the Template field. In this template, the persons parameter is available. It contains all information about contacts that will be exported. Don’t forget to approve your project.

Import Contacts

Contacts can be imported. Prepare a XLSX or XML file using the table below. When you are done, click the Import button in the Contacts application, select the file, import mode and click the Import button.

When importing, you can use the Import by ID setting to specify how the updated contacts will be paired. Either by system ID or by e-mail address. This setting can only be used to update or delete existing contacts for which the system ID is known. To find out the system ID of the contact, it is necessary to use the system export template Export contacts - BizBox.


Changes created by the import are not stored in a project. They will be active immediately. This import is irreversible!

Property Name (Excel or XML)

Field Name (Application)

Short Description



Required; e-mail address.



Optional; honorific.


First Name

Required; first name.


Last Name

Required; last name.



Optional; city.


Assign Partner Tier Automatically

Boolean; defines if the partner tier will be assigned automatically.



Optional; comment.


Contact Group

Optional; the name of an existing contact group to which this contact belongs.



Optional; the name of a company to which this contact belongs. If you identify the company using a company name, you must omit the ‘companyExternalId’ property.



Optional; the external ID of a company to which this contact belongs. If you identify the company using an external ID, you must omit the ‘company’ property.



Optional; the login of an existing user which you want to connect with this contact.


Partner Tier

Optional; the internal name of a partner tier to which this contact belongs.


Price Level

Optional; the internal name of a price level to which this contact belongs.



Optional; defined by the county’s ISO2.


External ID

Optional; external ID.



Optional; internal name of the classification which will be added to the contact. Available values: vipCustomer, riskCustomer.


External ID (billing address)

Optional; external ID (billing address).


Honorific (billing address)

Optional; honorific (billing address).


First Name (billing address)

Optional; first name (billing address).


Last Name (billing address)

Optional; last name (billing address).


Street (billing address)

Optional; street (billing address).


City (billing address)

Optional; city (billing address).


County (billing address)

Optional; county (billing address).


Region (billing address)

Optional; region (billing address).


Postal Code (billing address)

Optional; postal code (billing address).


Calling Code (billing address)

Optional; calling code (billing address).


Phone (billing address)

Optional; phone (billing address).


Company (billing address)

Optional; company (billing address).


Country (billing address)

Optional; country ISO2 (billing address).


External ID (shipping address)

Optional; external ID (shipping address).


Honorific (shipping address)

Optional; honorific (shipping address).


First Name (shipping address)

Optional; first name (shipping address).


Last Name (shipping address)

Optional; last name (shipping address).


Street (shipping address)

Optional; street (shipping address).


City (shipping address)

Optional; city (shipping address).


County (shipping address)

Optional; county (shipping address).


Region (shipping address)

Optional; region (shipping address).


Postal Code (shipping address)

Optional; postal code (shipping address).


Calling Code (shipping address)

Optional; calling code (shipping address).


Phone (shipping address)

Optional; phone (shipping address).


Company (shipping address)

Optional; company (shipping address).


Country (shipping address)

Optional; country ISO2 (shipping address).


Phone (contact channels)

Optional; phone (contact channel).


Skype (contact channels)

Optional; skype (contact channel).


ICQ (contact channels)

Optional; ICQ (contact channel).


Jabber (contact channels)

Optional; jabber (contact channel).


Customer Tags

Optional; customer’s tags (particular tags’ internal names have to be divided with |).


External ID

Optional; the external ID of the contact.


Custom Property

Optional – custom properties. Instead of ‘internal-name’ insert the internal name of a custom property you want to import. As a value insert the value of the custom property. If you want to import values for the multiple product variants type, you must separate the individual values with a vertical bar (|).


The Companies application is used for the management of companies. They can be used for grouping the contacts together, because you can connect contacts to them.

Companies are important in case you are working with Partners, because every a contact can be assigned a particular company and this company is connected to a concrete partner, which defines the prices that will be available for all contacts from the company.

A company also defines if a customer is a VAT payer. You can use the vatPayer field in the checkout form to allow your customers to define their customer category (VAT payer).

You can easily filter and display only those companies that are relevant to you.

How to Add or Edit a Company

New company is usually created automatically when customers make their orders as companies. If they do, a new company record is created along with their contact and the order itself.

To create a new company manualy, you have to click the New button. You can also edit an existing company by click on the Edit button.

Each added company needs to have its Name defined only. The VAT Payer setting defines if the company is a VAT payer. If so, the VAT ID value has to be filled in. VAT ID, Extra VAT ID and Company ID are used for tax identificaiton of this company.

The External ID field (optinal) is used to define this company in an external service.

The Parent Company field serves for connecting the companies together in a hierarchical structure. You can also add a Contact Group that allows you to connect contacts and companies together. Partner fiels defines a particular (previously created) partner to which this company belongs.

Information about how to get in touch with the company are located on two tabs: Contact Channels and Contact Addresses. The Contact Channels tab allows you to add several communication channels: E-mail address, ICQ, Jabber, Skype or Telephone (one of them can be marked as default). The Contact Addresses tab serves for adding addresses to this company. The Contact Orders tab automatically displays the orders made by this company (the same orders are displayed in a detail of a customer who made them). In case you want to work with those orders, you need to use the Orders application also located in the Sales module.

On the Log tab the log (changes) of the company are available.

Import Companies

Companies can be imported. Prepare a XLSX or XML file using the table below. When you are done, click the Import button in the Companies application, select the file, import mode and click the Import button.


Changes created by the import are not stored in a project. They will be active immediately. This import is irreversible!

Property Name (Excel or XML)

Field Name (Application)

Short Description


External ID

Optional; the external ID of the company.



Required; the company name.



Optional; internal commentary.


VAT Payer

Boolean; defines if the company is VAT payer.


Tax Identity

Optional; tax identity.


Extra Tax Identity

Optional; extra tax identity


Identification Number

Optional; identificaiton number.


Contact Group

Optional; the name of an existing contact group to which this company belongs.



Optional; the name of a partner connected with this company. If you identify the partner using an external ID, you must omit the ‘partnerExternalId’ property.



Optional; the external ID of a partner connected with this company. If you identify the partner using a parner name, you must omit the ‘partner’ property.


Parent company

Optional; the name of the parent company. If you identify the parent company using an external ID, you must omit the ‘parentCompanyExternalId’ property.


Parent company

Optional; the external ID of a parent company connected with this company. If you identify the parent company using a parner name, you must omit the ‘parentcompany’ property.


External ID (billing address)

Optional; external ID.


Honorific (billing address)

Optional; honorific.


First Name (billing address)

Optional; first name.


Last Name (billing address)

Optional; last name.


Street Address (billing address)

Optional; street address.


City (billing address)

Optional; city (billing address).


County (billing address)

Optional; county (billing address).


Region (billing address)

Optional; region (billing address).


Postal Code (billing address)

Optional; postal code (billing address).


Calling Code (billing address)

Optional; calling code (billing address).


Phone (billing address)

Optional; phone (billing address).


Company (billing address)

Optional; company (billing address).


Country (billing address)

Optional; country (billing address).


External ID (shipping address)

Optional; extrnal ID of the shipping address.


Honorific (shipping address)

Optional; honorific (shipping address).


First Name (shipping address)

Optional; first name (shipping address).


Last Name (shipping address)

Optional; last name (shipping address).


Street Address (shipping address)

Optional; street address (shipping address).


City (shipping address)

Optional; city (shipping address).


County (shipping address)

Optional; county (shipping address).


Region (shipping address)

Optional; region (shipping address).


Postal Code (shipping address)

Optional; postal code (shipping address).


Phone (shipping address)

Optional; phone (shipping address).


Company (shipping address)

Optional; company (shipping address).


Country (shipping address)

Optional; country (shipping address).


Email (shipping address)

Optional; email (contact channel).


Phone (shipping address)

Optional; phone (contact channel).


Skype (shipping address)

Optional; skype (contact channel).


ICQ (shipping address)

Optional; ICQ (contact channel).


Jabber (contact channels)

Optional; jabber (contact channel).

Contact Groups

Contact Groups are intended to group your contacts (contacts and companies) together. For example you can create a group for contacts according to their origins (such as marketing campaign), features that are characteristic to them or marketing segmentations.

To create a new Contact Group, fill in the Name, Internal Name (has to be unique within the Contact Group application). Optionally insert a comment (internal information).

Default Contact Group

For every country a default contact group to which will be all contacts from the country assigned.

If you want to use a contact group as a default for some country, go to its detail and turn on the Set as Default setting. This group will be set as default for all countries from your account. If you want to specify particular countries, turn off the Default for All Countries setting and in the right column below select countries for which will be this contact group used as a default. If a country is specified in some contact group and another contact group is defined as default for all countries, the group with selected countries will be used in preference.

Groups are used in the Customer Groups application located in the Reports module.


Contacts created along with an order or registration are added to a contact group according to the country, which is default for it (or default for all countries if no contact group is defined for the contact’s country).


Newsletters is an application which allows you to collect e-mail addresses from your websites. You can enter new contacts (e-mails) manually or collect them on the web using newsletter forms, consents, welcome vouchers, registration form or partner registration form.

To create a new newsletter click tne New button in the toolbar and fill in both required fields:

  • Name (required) - newsletter title; is for internal use only and does not appear on the web.

  • Internal Name (required) - unique newsletter title; used to identify newsletters in website code (in widgets).

  • Comment (optional) - is intended to provide some short info about this newsletter and Active defines the current activity of this newsletter.

  • Active defines if this setting is currently active. Users will not be able to add their addresses to inactive newsletters.

  • Newsletter Service is used to select an external service to which the collected contacts will be synchronized. Two services are now available: MailChimp and Ecomail. For more information, see Contact Synchronization.

On the second Contacts tab all e-mail addresses inserted on the website will be displayed. You can also add e-mail manually. Simply click the Add button and insert e-mail address. For each contact is displayed, whether there exists an order for it (the Has Order column.


For a website the automatic subscription can also be defined. For more information please see the E-mailing application help.

Contact Synchronization

Contacts (e-mails and additional contact data) can be automatically synchronized to two external services: MailChimp and Ecomail. To use sync, you must create an account with one of these services and connect it to BizBox using the Newsletter Service manager (available in the Newsletter detail on the first General tab).

In the manager click the Add button in the toolbar and fill in all required fields:

  • Name (required) is the name of the newsletter service setting; it is used for internal purposes only and does not appear on the web.

  • Internal Name (required) is the unique system name of the newsletter setting.

  • Service (required) - select the external service you want to use for contact synchronization.

  • API Key is available in the external service settings. This is a unique string used to identify your account.

  • Subscribe Confirmation E-mail - Do you want to use the double opt-in process? The subscriber will receive an e-mail to confirm their subscription. If you set it to yes, you have to set up this email sending in the external service settings.

  • Synchronize Contact Tags (available for Ecomail service only) – set whether you want to synchronize the tags of individual contacts (in this case, the existing tags in Ecomail will be overwritten by the ones you have set for the contacts in BizBox).

After you complete the setup, you will be able to select it in the Newsletter Service field in the newsletter settings. This will display the Mailing List ID field to which you insert the address list ID from the external service. For Mailchimp you can find it in the list settings, for Ecomail in the URL of the list.

After you select one of the services, the option to further synchronize settings appears – Synchronize All Contacts. This setting says that all contacts will be synced to the newsletter, regardless of their subscription to this newsletter. Below you can select which contacts will be synchronized by country and contact type. A newsletter that has this setting enabled is not used for subscribing to newsletters via the web.

Contacts synchronization works as follows: * If you delete an address in BizBox, it will be automatically deleted in the external service as well. * If you delete an address in the external service, it won’t be deleted in BizBox. * If a user unsubscribes himself/herself in the external service, it will be deleted in BizBox as well. * If you change an address in BizBox, it will be automatically changed in the external service as well. * If you change an address in the external service, it will be added to BizBox as a new address and the old one will be stored in BizBox. It means that in BizBox both old and new addresses will be stored, but in the external service only the new one exists. You can delete the old address in BizBox manually.

List Fields

If you want to personalize your contacts in the external service list (to send more data from BizBox to the external service), log in your external service account and go to the List settings and set up additional fields.

Contact Info (BizBox)

External Service List Field Name



First Name


Last Name






Company ID


Company VAT ID




Partner Tier




Contact Group


Partner Tier Currency


Credit Limit


Price Level






Billing Address First Name


Billing Address Last Name


Billing Address Company


Billing Address Phone


Billing Address Street Address


Billing Address City


Billing Address Country


Billing Address Postal Code


Shipping Address First Name


Shipping Address Last Name


Shipping Address Company


Shipping Address Phone


Shipping Address Street Address


Shipping Address City


Shipping Address Country


Shipping Address Postal Code


Registration (account available; YES/NO value)


Registration Date


Order (at least one order exists; YES/NO value)


Total Spent Amount (total spent amount)


Order Count (total contact’s orders)


Loyalty Program Name


Loyalty Program Total Points


Loyalty Program First Points to Expire


Loyalty Program First Points to Expire Date


List of newsletters to which the contact is subscribed.


Internal name of the contact type (see below)


Internal names of contact order sources (see below)


A list of websites where the purchase was made


A list of e-shop settings where the purchase was made


List of contact types:

  • newsletter - contact created only for newsletter subscription - not available in the Contacts application

  • customerAlert - contact for sending customer notifications - not available in the Contacts application

  • voucher - contact for sending a voucher - not available in the Contacts application

  • customer - contact to whom the order was created - available in the Contacts application

  • ‘’ (empty) - other contacts available in the Contacts application (created in admin, by import or registration)

List od contact order sources:

  • web - order from the web

  • crm - manual order from administration

  • externalChannel - order from external channel (Aukro)

  • ubl - order imported from UBL

  • mallCz - order from MALL.CZ

  • mallSk - order from MALL.SK

  • import - imported order


There can be more loyalty programs per one contact: LP2NAME, LP3NAME,… up to 9 loyalty programs. If this situation occurs, particular contacts can have different order of imported loyalty programs in MailChimp: Contact X has three loyalty programs: A, B and C. Contact Y has loyalty program C. Loyalty program C is for contact X available in the LP3NAME and for contact Y under the LP1NAME parameter.


Partners is an application located in the Sales module that serves for the addition and management of Partners. This application is not included in the default BizBox edition, it has to be added with an addon that will add the Partners and Partner Tiers applications to your account. In case you need these applications, please contact us for more information.

Partner Tiers

Partner Tiers is an application located in the Sales module which allows you to define particular tiers (levels) that your Partners can acquire. For every tier different prices can be defined which are available for concrete customers from companies that are assigned to the Partners from this Tier. You can also add a Partner Tier for a single customer (without the connection to a Partner or Company).

Partner tiers can be also used in the Purchase Volume Discounts application to define the sale for a customer with particular purchase volume.