Category Tree

Category Tree is a hierarchical structure of categories to which you can assign your products. Categories are normally used to unite similar products. You can use them typically in connection with the Product Catalog Component, whose purpose is, among other things, to display all products from a selected category.

This application serves for managing the category tree (and all its categories) and for adding particular products to it. If you want to add or delete a product from a particular category in this application, you have to select it and click the Edit button. You can also manage the placement of products in categories in the settings of products, on the catalog categories tab. A category tree will be also displayed the Navigation Trees application in order to create an online store menu from the categories of products you sell. The created links refer to a particular category and display its content (products added to this category).

When you run this application, all currently existing categories are always displayed. You will be unable to use filtering in this application (displays only some categories according to search in particular columns), but you can restrict the display of some columns you find unnecessary (click the little arrow on a particular column name and edit the displayed ones). You can change the hierarchy of particular category using drag and drop.


Categories can be also used for product sorting in the Product Catalog Component settings (Items Sort).

Create Category

  1. A new category is created by clicking the Add button in the toolbar.

  2. A new window appears. Fill in at least all required fields:

    • Name (required) is a name of this category. It will be displayed to website visitors.

    • Name in URL (required) defines the string which defines this category in the URL address of it or of a particular product from it (in connection with the Product Catalog Component). The URL may contain “.”.

    • Internal Name (required) has to be a unique string which defines this category in BizBox Admin. This value is not displayed anywhere.

    • Parent Category (required) defines the placement of the category in the hierarchy. In this field a category has to be selected that will be directly above the added one.

    • Small Image (optional) is used to select a file from your File Manager that will be used as a small image. This image can be subsequently displayed in the Product Catalog Component using the {{ category.smallImage.path }} parameter.

    • Big Image (optional) is used to select a file from your File Manager that will be used as a big image. This image can be subsequently displayed in the Product Catalog Component using the {{ category.bigImage.path }} parameter.

    • Disabled (optional) setting allows you to completely disable the display and access to a particular category. That disabled category is never displayed in an automatically generated Product Category Navigation Tree (which allows you to create a menu from category tree in the products module) and also is inaccessible. If a customer tries to access the particular disabled category using its URL address a 404 error page (Special Page) will be displayed instead.

    • Include in Navigation (optional) setting allows you to disable this category from the automatically generated Product Category Navigation Tree. A customer can still display this Category using its URL address.

  3. Click the Add button and your new category will be created. If you need to, you can mark it and click the Edit button located in the toolbar. This edition allows you to access various settings that are not a part of the base category creation (such as category descriptions, SEO setting or particular products selection).

  4. You have to approve the project to display these changes on your website.

Assign Products

Particular products can be assigned to a category both in a product detail (on the Catalog Categories tab) and in a category detail on the Products tab.

  1. Select a particular category in which you want to assign a product.

  2. Click the Edit button in the toolbar. New tab with the category detail appears.

  3. Go to the Products tab and click the Add button.

  4. A new window appears. Select how will be the product (or products) to this category assigned:

    • Single Product displays a separate product. This is used for normal products and master products. If you select this for a variant product, it will be displayed without any connection to other variants.

    • Variant Product can be used only for variants. It is used to define the main variant from all other variant products. It will be displayed in the category as a representative product for all other variants.

  5. Use the product selection to search for products you want to add.

  6. You can also use the Bulk Add button which allows you to add multiple products at one. In the window that appears, you can add the product codes (or External IDs or EANs) that you want to add. Each code (External ID or EAN) must be on a new line.

  7. Click the Add button and save the category record.

  8. For products, you can set the relevance in a given category by clicking in the Relevance column. Ascending order begins with products without relevance, and the last is the product with the highest relevance value. Descending begins with the product with the highest relevance value and ends with products without the relevance set. If the product belongs to more than one category, the least submerged category is given priority.

  9. To view and check your changes on the website, use the preview. To make them visible to website visitors, approve your project.

Edit Category

Settings will be displayed only during editing of the category, which is not part of the basic window, and which is shown during the creation of a new category, such as category descriptions, SEO setting or particular products selection.

  1. Select a particular category you want to edit (set up) and click the Edit button located in the toolbar.

  2. A new tab appears. On the first General tab, the main settings are located you know from the category creation:

    • Name (required) is a name of this category. It will be displayed to website visitors.

    • Name in URL (required) defines the string which defines this category in the URL address of it or of a particular product from it (in connection with the Product Catalog Component).

    • Internal Name (required) has to be a unique string which defines this category in BizBox Admin. This value is not displayed anywhere.

    • Availability (optional) is a translated text field you connect to this category. It can be displayed on the website (on the particular product or category detail for example). It is mostly used to define information about the availability for products of this category but feel free to use it according to your needs.

    • Small Image (optional) is used to select a file from your File Manager that will be used as a small image. This image can be subsequently displayed in the Product Catalog Component using the {{ category.smallImage.path }} parameter.

    • Big Image (optional) is used to select a file from your File Manager that will be used as a big image. This image can be subsequently displayed in the Product Catalog Component using the {{ category.bigImage.path }} parameter.

    • Active (optional) setting allows you to completely disable the display and access to a particular Category. That disabled (non-active) Category is never displayed in an automatically generated Product Category Navigation Tree (which allows you to create a menu from category tree in the Products module) and also is inaccessible. In case a customer tries to access the particular disabled Category using its URL address a 404 error page (Special Page) will be displayed instead.

    • Include in Navigation (optional) setting allows you to disable this category from the automatically generated Product Category Navigation Tree. A customer can still display this Category using its URL address.

    • Products Sort allows you to define the default product sorting in this category. It will be used in preference to the Product Catalog Component settings. You can select as many sorting methods as you need together with the default direction (ascending or descending).

  3. On the second Description tab are located descriptions that can be subsequently displayed on the website thanks to the Product Catalog Component and the {{ component.category.description | raw }} and {{ component.category.longDescription | raw }} parameters.

  4. SEO tab is used for SEO information that is used by search engines. This info is used in the Product Catalog Component for the Product List View.

  5. Products tab defines all products that are currently assigned to this category and also allows you to manage them. Click the add button to add a new one or select an existing one and click the delete button. There are 2 options of how will be the product displayed on the website:

    • Single Product displays a separate product. This is used for normal products and master products. If you select this for a variant product, it will be displayed without any connection to other variants.

    • Variant Product - Master can be used only for variants. It is used to define the main variant from all other variant products. It will be displayed in the category as a representative product for all other variants.

  6. For products, you can set the relevance in a given category by clicking in the Relevance column. Ascending order begins with products without relevance, and the last is the product with the highest relevance value. Descending begins with the product with the highest relevance value and ends with products without the relevance set. If the product belongs to more than one category, the least submerged category is given priority.

  7. Custom Properties tab allows you to define your own custom properties for this category (properties defined in a single category detail are shared among all categories from your account). For more info please visit the Custom Properties documentation for products. Notice that there is no Master Property for categories.

  8. You have to approve the project to display these changes on your website.

Export and Import

You can export your category tree in order to make some changes and import it back. It can save your time, because you don’t need to edit, add or delete every category manually in this application.

  1. Click the Export button located in the toolbar (the second Export next to the Import button).

  2. Select all languages in which will be the data exported.

  3. It takes some time to prepare the file. When it is done, you can save this file to your computer, open it and edit it according to your needs. See the table of column names below.

  4. When you are done with editing, inserting or deleting, save the file and click on the Import button located next to the Export. Here you can set up how the categories will be imported:

    • File Type defines the file format of the file you want to import (this will typically be Excel).

    • Select Import Type setting is used to define how will be the categories imported. Insert inserts all newly added categories that exists in the imported file but not in your category tree. Update updates all categories that have been changed (there is a difference between the imported file and your category tree). Delete deletes all categories that are included in your category tree, but are missing in the imported file.

  5. Select a particular file from your computer and click the Import button. The import may take a while. After it is done, don’t forget to approve your project!

List of Column Names

Column Name (Excel)

Filed Name (Application)

Short Description


Internal Name

The internal name of the category, required.


Internal Name

The internal name of the parent category, required.



The name of the category which can be displayed on the website.



Shows category names from the root (root is not displayed). It is an informational column that is ignored when importing.


Name in URL

The last part of the URL detail.



The name of the category which can be displayed on the website.



The category’s website.



Define a path to an image that will be used as the logo for the category.



The category’s website.



Define the default category availability (text string).



A boolean value which defines the current category activity.


Include in Navigation

A boolean value which defines if the category will be displayed in the navigation.


Short Description

The short description of the category.


SEO Title

The SEO title for this product.


SEO Description

The SEO description for this product.


SEO Keywords

The SEO keywords of this category.


SEO Title Source

Define from where will be taken the SEO title source (default, specific, none).


SEO Description Source

Define from where will be taken the SEO description source (default, specific, none).


External Mapping - Google category ID

The ID of a Google category to which this product belongs.


External Mapping - Heureka category ID

The ID of a Heureka category to which this product belongs.


External Mapping - Heureka SK category ID

The ID of a Heureka SK category to which this product belongs.


External Mapping - Aukro category ID

The ID of a Aukro category to which this product belongs.


External Mapping - Zboží category ID

The ID of a Zboží category to which this product belongs.


External Mapping - Glami category ID

The ID of a Glami category to which this product belongs.


Custom External Mapping

The External ID of a custom mapping. Instead of the internal-name insert the internal name of the custom mapping.


Custom External Mapping

The External Name of a custom mapping.Instead of the internal-name insert the internal name of the custom mapping.


Custom property value

Insert the particular custom property value.

Settings for E-shop

This button is available in the Category application and in a particular category detail. It allows you to set up the sales behaviour of the category.

Click this button and a new window will appear. All E-shop Settings from your account are available here and you can change the category Availability for the e-shops. Click in the Available column to restrict the category availability only for the particular E-shop Settings. If a category is not available for that e-shop setting, it does not appear on the web at all and behaves identically to an inactive category.

Category Mapping

Sometimes you will need (for the purposes of products, product feeds or external sales channels) to define a particular external channel category (such as Heureka, Aukro, Zboží, Amazon, Glami …), to which products from this product category belong. You need to define which category from the external channel corresponds to category in your products catalog.

This mapping will be applied on all products from the product category. It can be subsequently used in product feeds and for the purposes of external sales channels. If you need, you can set the mapping for particular products too (use the External Mapping button in the toolbar in the Products application).

Select the category for which you want to set the external mapping. Click the External Mapping icon in the toolbar. A new window will appear. There are two types of mapping: external and custom. External is used for selected services (such as Heureka, Aukro, Zboží, Amazon, Glami …) and custom is your own mapping.

External Mapping Tab

Here all available external channels are displayed. Select (or search for) particular categories to which products from the category belongs (fill in the value for all external channels you want to use) and click the Save button in the toolbar.

Mapped category can be used in the product feeds. If you want to sell in an external channel, you have to add its category mapping for categories which products you intend to sell (Aukro).

Available External Channels:

  • Google - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the parameter.

  • Heureka - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the product.mapping.heureka.category.externalName parameter.

  • Heureka SK - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the product.mapping.heureka-sk.category.externalName parameter.

  • Aukro - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the product.mapping.aukro.category.externalName parameter.

  • Zboží - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the product.mapping.zbozi.category.externalName parameter.

  • Glami - to work with the defined mapping in the product feed use the product.mapping.glami.category.externalName parameter.


External mapping can also be imported. See the List of Column Names.

Custom Mapping

Custom mapping is used when you need to do mapping for a service BizBox do not offer in the external mapping services.

Click the Add button and define your own custom mapping (or select an existing one).

In the Identification section select a service for which you want to add the mapping. if the mapping does not exist, create it using the green plus button - insert the mapping’s name (this should be typically a name of the service for which you want to create the mapping), internal name (this name will be used in templates and product feeds) and language. If the Custom Mapping is selected, you can insert the External ID of a category in the external service, to which products from your BizBox category belong. You can also optionally enter the entire path to the category in the external service in the External Name field.