Translation Center

Translations Tab Tutorial

Every content translation (marked in the Editor with the translation mark) can be translated in the Translation Center and also on the particular Page/Template. If you are editing the particular Page/Template, you can notice, that there is a tab named “Translations”. On this tab are available all translation strings (texts inserted in the translation mark).


In the event that the Page is the default source culture, you will be unable to insert the translations. On the Translations tab only the available translation strings are displayed. If you want to insert translations, you have to switch to the particular Culture to the one where you want to insert the translations. Then you will be able to insert translations directly on this tab, without using the Translation Center.


You have to switch the Page into the Culture for which you want to insert translations.


Templates is a broad term in BizBox. In this case, we are consider Website Templates, Widget Templates, E-mail Templates and Document Templates. All these Templates can contain a text which you want to translate. You put these texts into the translation marks and after saving, they will be available in the Translation Center and also on the Translations tab. In Templates you are able to select the translation (target) Culture directly on the tab (in difference to Pages, you don’t have to open special records in here) and you can start inserting translations.

Translation Fields Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to insert translation into translation fields. This tutorial is working with a multilingual Website. In case you have only one language, you don’t need the information from this tutorial and you will not able to perform actions displayed in this tutorial as well.

Translation fields are normal fields displayed along with editing of a record, such as a Product in the Products. To be able to see and use these fields, you have to use a Culture Tree on your Website. A Culture Tree unites all Cultures (languages and zones) for which your Website is created and localized. Translation fields are displayed according to these Cultures. In case you want to create translation for a language that is not a part of your Culture Tree, you have to add these language (together with Zone in a form of Culture) into your Culture Tree first.

When you have your Culture Tree, you can see that in some records appeared optional fields marked with national flags. These flags determine the Language of the translation. You can insert the translation directly into this field.

In the example below you can see a Personal Delivery Service, which is used to define the personal pick-up of a customer’s order. Right on the first General tab are the Customer Labels fields. Every part of a record that can be displayed to customers (or visitors) is marked with the national flag. It can be seen here, on the Customer Labels.

If you click the national flag, you can see all available languages for which you can insert translations. If you want to add one, just click its name, new field appears below and you will be able to add the translation. You can find this type of translation in another of the Administration apps, in the Products module and also in the Website Editor.

If you want to insert translations collectively (and not for every record separately as described above), you can use the Translation Center. All fields that can be translated are also a part of the Center and can be translated here as well. If you need a little help with the Translation Center, you can use our tutorial.

Products, E-mails and Services are translated in the „Products” and „E-mails and Services” applications.

Page Info Translation Tutorial

Special type of transaction field can be found on Pages. Every Page can be added in every Culture you have in your Culture Tree. Once you add a Page, you can edit it and translate its name, navigation title and SEO information. This is not performed on the Page in the default Culture, but on a Page displayed in a particular Culture. You can see an example below:

  1. On this Website there are 5 Cultures. According to the Culture Tree, the cz-cs Culture is the default one. Click the „Culture cz-cs” button and all Cultures from the connected Culture Tree will be displayed.

  2. Select a Culture for which you want to create content and subsequently create a particular Page by one of the offered ways (just click the particular Page). If you want more information about creating new Pages, you can visit this help-site.

  3. The newly created Page is opened automatically and you can insert its Name, Navigation Title, SEO information and also an Alias.


    You are editing this Page only in one Culture and this editing will not affect the Page in the default Culture.

  4. If you want to switch it back to the default Culture, you can use this button or change the whole displayed tree.

If you want to insert translations collectively (and not for every record separately as described above), you can use the Translation Center. All fields that can be translated are a part of the Center too and can be translated here as well. If you need a little help with the Translation Center, you can use our tutorial.

Remember that Pages and their properties are translated in the Website Properties application (located in the Translation Center module).

How to Translate Content without Translation Center

BizBox allows you to create multilingual websites, which means you are able to create translations for all languages you add to the Culture Tree. There are two main ways how to do that: you can use the Translation Center (that unites all translations created on your account) or you create a translation while editing the particular record itself - you can use particular fields that are created directly for translations or you can use the Translations tab.

What are translation fields? How can I use them?

Translation fields are part of some record, such as a Product in your Products Module. Apart from the Products module you can use this translation type in Data Lists, E-mail settings or in Administration. For every language (culture) you have added to your Culture Tree there is a special field marked with a particular national flag. The translation can be inserted directly into this field.

This translations are included in the Translation Center automatically, but you can use the fields directly in the record if you find this way more comfortable.

A Special type of translation field is used on Pages. Every Page you create (in every Culture) has its own fields for name, navigation title and SEO information. The difference between translation fields and Pages is that for translation fields you add all the translations on one tab and every Page needs to be edited separately to insert the translations. If you want more information, follow the translation fields tutorial or the Page info translation tutorial. Remember that you don’t have to do it manually. You can always use the Translation Center.

For more info see the Translation Fields Tutorial, Page Info Translation Tutorial or Translations Tab Tutorial.

How to Translate Content Using the Translation Center

Every translation you want to create can be inserted directly into the record for which you want to create a translation. Inserting more translations with this method can be very time-consuming. If you want to insert more translations at the same time (and place), you should use the Translation Center.

Translation Center unites all translation strings and fields from your account. You can manage them here, insert translations, mark them as fuzzy or obsolete and also export and import them.

There are some terms you should be familiar with before you start using the Translation Center:

Translation - Every translation in BizBox is bounded to a Culture. For example, if you have two cultures: de-de (Zone is Germany a Language is German) and at-de (Zone is Austria and Language is German), both can have different translations, even if the Language is the same. If you want to create translations only for Languages (without dependency on Zone), you have to use the Generic Language Flag.

Generic Language - Generic Language is defined along with a Culture (in the CMS module, in the Cultures application). If you flag some of your Cultures with the Generic Language flag, all translations are bound only to the Language (and not to the Culture).

Obsolete - Particular translation string can be marked as obsolete. This flag is set to NO as a default. It means that the string is used on a Page, Website Template, Widget, E-mail or E-commerce Template (or on more of them). If BizBox sets this flag to YES, you can be sure that this string will no longer be used anywhere and you can feel free to delete it without expecting any troubles. Obsolete translation are light grey-colored.

Fuzzy - Fuzzy is a sign which indicates that the translation was assigned by the system. Along with saving of new original translation strings is the system testing, if any very similar translation already exists. If is the match of the original and the translation text higher than 90 %, the system uses this translation and marks the string as fuzzy. Translations marked as fuzzy are not used on your website until you check and unmark these translations. Fuzzy translations are brown.

How are new Translations created?

Translations for the “Website Properties”, “E-mails and Settings” and “Products” applications are created automatically with particular records. You don’t have to do anything and all fields that can be translated appear here and you can translate them.

Translations for the “CMS Contents” application have to be created first. They don’t appear here automatically. You have to go directly to the code in the Editor, locate the string you want to translate and put it into the translation mark.

Newly created translations are on the Translations tab and in the Translation Center indicated by an empty line. If you update a translation string that already exists, all changes will take place in all connected translations. If you delete the translation string, all translations connected to it will be deleted as well.

How to Set a Generic Language

Generic Language is used in case you have added the same Language to two or more Cultures on your website and you want to use the same translation strings for all of them. Remember that this feature can be used only in case you have a multilingual website, otherwise is it completely useless for you.

We assume that you have already created your Cultures. If not, please follow the related tutorial and create them before you start with this one. Cultures are vital for this tutorial and without them you will not be able to finish it.

  1. Double-click the CMS module icon located on the BizBox desktop.

  2. Run the Cultures application.

  3. Here you can see all the Cultures you have added to the BizBox Admin. Localize the one Language you want to set as Generic and click the Edit button.

  4. Here is a Generic Language flag. If you set it to option YES, the language will be marked as Generic and all future translations will be assigned to this language and not to the Culture.

  5. Click the Update button and you have successfully created the Generic Language. From now on, all Cultures which are using this Language, will be using the translations assigned to this Generic Language.